Group: MOOS-IvP
Total Lines of Code: 159,807
Total Files of Code: 1,164
Total Work Years: 34.28
Group Description: (109 modules)
This group contains all modules in the MOOS-IvP release. All MOOS apps, all behaviors, all command line utilities and all libraries.
- (Public anonymous access)
svn co moos-ivp
- alogavg: Utility for averaging Y-values per X-Value for file with X-Y value per line.
- alogbin: Utility for binning data within similar ranges into clusters.
- alogcat: ConCATinate two alog files into one alog file.
- alogcd: Scan an alog file for collision detection reports.
- alogcheck: Scan an alog file and check if given condition is satisfied.
- alogclip: Trim an alog file given a start and end time stamp.
- alogeplot: Produce an encounter plot image from encounters from and alog file.
- aloggrep: Trim an alog file by retaining specified MOOS variables.
- aloghelm: Scan an alog file to generate one of several helm reports.
- alogiter: Scan an alog file to analyze avg application load by iterations.
- alogpare: Prune an alog file based on events and mark values.
- alogrm: Prune an alog file by removing nammed MOOS variables.
- alogscan: Scan an alog file and produce breakdowns on log volume.
- alogsort: Create new alog file sorting entries based on timestamp.
- alogsplit: Split an alog file into dedicated alog files per variable.
- alogview: A GUI tool for replaying and analyzing one or more vehicle alog files.
- gen_obstacles: A command line tool for random generation of obstacle polygons to a file.
- MOOSDB: The main communication mechanism for all MOOS apps.
- iMatlab: A tool for connecting Matlab to a running MOOS community.
- iRemoteLite: A remote control interface for manual vehicle control.
- iSay: Invokes system text to voice upon postings to the MOOSDB.
- manifest_test: A command line utility for correctness testing of manifest files.
- manifest_wiki: A command line utility for generating web content from manifest files.
- pAntler: A utility for launching a batch of MOOS processes.
- pBasicContactMgr: Manages known contacts and generates alerts consumed by the helm.
- pContactMgrV20: Manages known contacts and generates alerts consumed by the helm.
- pDeadManPost: Enable configured postings to be staged in the absence of other events.
- pEchoVar: Re-post configured MOOS variables under a different name(s).
- pHelmIvP: A behavior-based helm with multi-objective optimization based (IvP) action selection.
- pHostInfo: Auto-detect the machine's IP address and MOOSDB port number.
- pLogger: A utility for logging the variables histories from the MOOSDB.
- pMarinePID: Simple PID controller for heading, speed and depth.
- pMarineViewer: Mission control GUI for monitoring, deploying and commanding vehicles.
- pNodeReporter: Gather vehicle navigation info into single published node report.
- pObstacleMgr: Manages known contacts and generates alerts consumed by the helm.
- pRealm: Shadow the local MOOSDB and support RealmCasting requests.
- pShare: A tool for bridging between MOOS communities.
- pickpos: A cmdline utility choosing simulation starting values.
- uFldBeaconRangeSensor: Simulates range information derived from pinging a buoy.
- uFldCollisionDetect: Monitors ship traffic collisions and reports near collisions.
- uFldCollObDetect: Monitors ship traffic obstacle collisions and reports near collisions.
- uFldContactRangeSensor: Simulates range measurements to other moving contacts.
- uFldMessageHandler: Handles and unwraps incoming messages from other vehicles.
- uFldShoreBroker: Facilitates shoreside share connections to vehicle communities.
- uFldNodeComms: Shoreside MOOS App for conditionally sending messages between vehicles.
- uFldObstacleSim: Simulation of obstacle (re)generation and lidar sensing of obstacles.
- uFldScope: Shoreside MOOS App for monitoring user-chosen fields across vehicles.
- uFldNodeBroker: Facilitates vehicle share connections to shoreside community.
- uFunctionVis: A GUI based MOOS App for monitoring IvP Helm objective functions.
- uHelmScope: A terminal based MOOS App for monitoring the state of IvP Helm.
- uLoadWatch: A utility for monitoring the load of MOOS Apps.
- uMAC: A terminal based MOOS app for monitoring appcasts.
- uMACView: A GUI based MOOS app for visually monitoring appcasts.
- uMS: A graphical scope for monitoring the contents of a running MOOSDB.
- uMemWatch: A MOOS app for monitoring the memory usage of other apps.
- uPlotViewer: A GUI based MOOS app for plotting a frequency bar graph.
- uPokeDB: A command line app for poking the MOOSDB.
- uProcessWatch: A MOOS app for monitoring the presence of other MOOS apps.
- uQueryDB: A command line app, connect to MOOSDB, check condition, then exit.
- uSimMarine: A simple marine vehicle simulator.
- uTermCommand: A terminal MOOS app for poking the MOOSDB with pre-configured pokes.
- uTimerScript: An app for generating scripted pokes to the MOOSDB.
- uXMS: A command line app for scoping the MOOSDB.
- zaic_hdg: A GUI utility for exploring the ZAIC_HDG IvPBuild tool.
- zaic_hleq: A GUI utility for exploring the ZAIC_LEQ and ZAIC_HEQ IvPBuild tools.
- zaic_peak: A GUI utility for exploring the ZAIC_PEAK IvPBuild tool.
- zaic_spd: A GUI utility for exploring and rendering the ZAIC_SPD build tool.
- zaic_vect: A GUI utility for exploring the ZAIC_VECT IvPBuild tool.
- BHV_AvdColregs: A behavior for avoiding collision based on CPA and COLREGS considerations.
- BHV_AvoidCollision: A behavior for avoiding collision based primarily on CPA considerations.
- BHV_ConstantDepth: A behavior for specifying the desired depth of the vehicle.
- BHV_ConstantHeading: A behavior for specifying the desired heading of the vehicle.
- BHV_ConstantSpeed: A behavior for specifying the desired speed of the vehicle.
- BHV_CutRange: A behavior intercepting, closing range, to another moving vessel.
- BHV_GoToDepth: A behavior for specifying a sequence of desired depths of the vehicle.
- BHV_Loiter: A behavior for repeatedly traversing a given convex polygon of waypoints.
- BHV_MaxDepth: A behavior to influence the vehicle to go no deeper than a given depth.
- BHV_MemoryTurnLimit: A behavior preventing quick wrap-around turns, especiall with towed sensor.
- BHV_OpRegion: A behavior monitoring vehicle position to remain within a convex polygon region.
- BHV_PeriodicSpeed: A behavior for periodically influencing the vehicle speed.
- BHV_PeriodicSurface: A behavior for periodically influencing the vehicle to surface.
- BHV_Shadow: A behavior matching the heading and speed of a contact vehicle.
- BHV_StationKeep: A behavior for holding a vehicle at a given position.
- BHV_TestFailure: A behavior designed to fail, to test the helm's handling of a behavior failure.
- BHV_Timer: A behavior for posting to the MOOSDB based on other events or timing.
- BHV_Trail: A behavior for maneuvering ownship at a relative bearing and range to a contact.
- BHV_Waypoint: A behavior for traversing a given set of waypoints.
- lib_MOOS: Core MOOS comms, MOOS App superclass, and utitlities implementation.
- lib_apputil: A library for supporting AppCasting MOOS apps.
- lib_behaviors-colregs: A library holding the COLREGS collision avoidance behavior implementation.
- lib_behaviors-marine: A library holding most of the IvP behaviors of MOOS-IvP.
- lib_behaviors: A library containing superclass code for all IvP behaviors.
- lib_bhvutil: A library holding several utility classes used by behaviors.
- lib_contacts: A library implementing the node report message structure.
- lib_encounters: A library holding the Encounter class, for vehicle CPA encounters.
- lib_genutil: A library used by applications having both a MOOS and user interface.
- lib_geometry: Core geometry libraries for autonomy behaviors and GUIs. Includes CPAEngine.
- lib_helmivp: A library holding most non-MOOS specific code of the IvP Helm.
- lib_ipfview: A library with classes to support the rendering of IvP Functions.
- lib_ivpbuild: A library with utilities for build IvP Functions.
- lib_ivpcore: A library with core classes for representing IvP Functions and IvP Domains.
- lib_ivpsolve: A library for representing and solving IvP Problems.
- lib_logic: A library for implementing simple Boolean logic in applications.
- lib_logutils: A library of utilities to support many of the apps in the ALog Toolbox.
- lib_manifest: A library with key manifest data structures an I/O functions for populat ing manifests.
- lib_marineview: A library common classes for supporting GUIs with marine operation views.
- lib_ucommand: A library for supporting CommandFolios - mission control pre-defined sets of commands.
- lib_ufield: A library for holding a few classes shared across apps in the uField Toolbox.
- lib_zaicview: A library with common superclasses used by all the zaic utilities.