Downloading the moos-ivp tree:

The moos-ivp tree is a bundle of software modules comprising the core publicly available software of the MOOS-IvP project. It is a nested repository and contains a snapshot of the MOOS middleware from Oxford, plus numerous MOOS applications from MIT and Oxford, including the IvP Helm. It is available via anonymous read-only access via SVN over the https protocol.

Download the latest stable release. (Version 24.8, August 6th, 2024)

The latest release is available on GitHub.

   git clone

Running the code:

After building the code, try running the simplest mission distributed with the tree:

   $ cd moos-ivp/ivp/missions/s1_alpha
   $ pAntler alpha.moos

Running this example mission and example screen outputs are described in here.

The Alpha mission. video:(0:19):