Group: IvP Benchmark

Group Description: (6 modules)

The IvP Benchmark utilities were designed to test and analyze the core IvP solution algorithm on randomly generated problem instances. The tools include the ability to generate random problem instances with varying number of pieces, objective functions and dimensions, and tools for solving these instances in batch jobs. Other tools are included for analyzing and visualizing the data. The software can be downloaded by svn from the following URL: The software AND experimental data can be downloaded by svn from the following URL:



  • ippgen: A utility for generating random instances of IvP problems.
  • ippsolve: A utility for solving IvP problem using one of several available solution algorithms and storing the solution time and results to a result (.isr) file.
  • isrplot: A utility for reading a results (.isr) file and generating file suitable for generating plots in GNUPlot.
  • ippview: A utility for rendering IvP problems in 2 dimensions.
  • isrtex: A utility for reading a results (.isr) file and generating a LaTex (.tex) file with a table of the results.