Group: Environment

Total Lines of Code: 8,886

Total Files of Code: 50

Total Work Years: 1.96

Group Description: (8 modules)

Modules, libraries and behaviors for maintaining environmental situational awareness and adapting to the environment for optimal performance




  • BHV_ConstantAltitude: Behavior for executing bottom mapping missions maintaining constant altitude.
  • BHV_MinAltitude: Behavior for maintaining a minimum altitude above bottom or below under-ice excursions. depends = ivp_behaviors.
  • BHV_OptAcommsDepth: Behavior for creating depth objective function for optimizing acoustic communication performance, including coherence properties and multipath interference.
  • BHV_OptAcoustDepth: Behavior for creating depth objective function for optimizing incoherent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for an acoustic signal originating at a contact.
  • BHV_SmartYoyo: Behavior for vertical yoyo surveys covering full water column in shallow water with horizontal bathymetry variation.

  • lib_bellhop: Library of protobuf messages and utilities for requests of raytracing impulse responses in the Virtual Ocean.
  • lib_henrik_util: Library of utility functions used by the LAMSS Nested Autonomy modules, including linear algebra, environmental modeling and signal processing.
  • lib_lamss_protobuf: Configurations of Goby-protobuf messages used for messages transmitted between Goby-MOOS applications through the MOOSDB or via the acoustic modem to and from the operators and collaborators.