Group: VirtualOcean

Total Lines of Code: 25,567
Total Files of Code: 86
Total Work Years: 5.41
Group Description: (18 modules)
The Virtual Ocean contains a number of MOOS and GobyMOOS Applications for supporting physics-based simulation of the ocean environment and the associated response of the sensors, communication modems and the platform dynamics, providing a high-fidelity platform for realistic virtual experiments for payload autonomy development.
- iNoaaBathy: Extracts a range-dependent bathymetry along a vertical slice of ocean between two latitude/longitude locations.
- uSVP_OceanModel: Extracts a range-dependent sound speed profile for a vertical slice of ocean between an acoustic source and receiver.
- uSimADCP_OceanModel: Simulates an ADCP sensor reading using the current field extracted from a 4D NMetCdf file with modeled ocean currents.
- uSimActiveSonar: Physics-based, active sonar, element-level timeseries simulator supporting fixed, towed and volumetric hull-mounted arrays.
- uSimCTD_OceanModel: Simulates a CTD sensor reading using the temperature and salinity extracted from a 4D NMetCdf virtual ocean database.
- uSimModemNetwork: Request/Response service module returning the current multipath eigenray solution for a transmitter/receiver pair in a underwater modem network.
- uSimModemRange: GobyMOOSApp module tracking the conversion of travel times in a modem network to ranges for use by ICEX20 integrated communication and navigation framework.
- uSimModemSignal: Request/Response service module generating the timeseries of a received modem signal for a transmitter/receiver pair in a modem network in the Virtual Ocean.
- uSimNoiseCovariance: Request/Response service application computing surface generated ambient noise in Virtual Ocean.
- uSimPassiveSonar: Physics-based, element-level passive sonar timeseries simulator supporting fixed, towed and volumetric receiver arrays, including surface generated ambient noise and arbitrary distributions of dynamic acoustic targets.
- uSimSelfNoise: Virtual Ocean module for simulating UUV noise interference of passive sonar on collaborator UUV.
- uSimSourceArray: Configuring a phased source array for simulation of directional transmissions in the Virtual Ocean.
- uSimTargets: Virtual Ocean module is managing the mobile acoustic targets for the active and passive sonar simulators. targets.
- uSimTowedArray: Physics-based dynamic model for towed and fixed arrays of hydrophones or vector sensors on fixed or mobile platforms.
- BHV_OptAcoustDepth: Behavior for creating depth objective function for optimizing incoherent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for an acoustic signal originating at a contact.
- lib_bellhop: Library of protobuf messages and utilities for requests of raytracing impulse responses in the Virtual Ocean.
- lib_henrik_util: Library of utility functions used by the LAMSS Nested Autonomy modules, including linear algebra, environmental modeling and signal processing.
- lib_lamss_protobuf: Configurations of Goby-protobuf messages used for messages transmitted between Goby-MOOS applications through the MOOSDB or via the acoustic modem to and from the operators and collaborators.