Group: Simulation
Total Lines of Code: 20,534
Total Files of Code: 133
Total Work Years: 4.2
Group Description: (27 modules)
The Simulation Toolbox contains a number of tools for supporting multi-vehicle missions where each vehicle is connected to a shoreside community. This includes both simulation and real field experiments. It also contains a number of simulated sensors that run on off-board the vehicle on the shoreside.
- uSimDVL: A DVL simulator for navigation simulations.
- uSimLBL: A simulator of an LBL system for navigation simulations.
- uSimPhinsINS: An IxBlue INS simulator for navigation simulations.
- uSimReplayPCAP: A MOOS app that can replay a PCAP file over UDP.
- pAcommsSim: a GPU-accelerated multi-vehicle acomms simulator.
- pSSView: A viewer for the pSonarSim application.
- pLidarSim: GPU-accelerated lidar simulator.
- pSonarSim: GPU-accelerated sonar sim to predict time-domain sonar returns.
- pGridViewer: A MOOS viewer for Octree structures constructed from real or simulated point cloud data.
- gen_obstacles: A command line tool for random generation of obstacle polygons to a file.
- pMarinePID: Simple PID controller for heading, speed and depth.
- pMarineViewer: Mission control GUI for monitoring, deploying and commanding vehicles.
- pickpos: A cmdline utility choosing simulation starting values.
- uFldBeaconRangeSensor: Simulates range information derived from pinging a buoy.
- uFldCollisionDetect: Monitors ship traffic collisions and reports near collisions.
- uFldCollObDetect: Monitors ship traffic obstacle collisions and reports near collisions.
- uFldContactRangeSensor: Simulates range measurements to other moving contacts.
- uFldMessageHandler: Handles and unwraps incoming messages from other vehicles.
- uFldShoreBroker: Facilitates shoreside share connections to vehicle communities.
- uFldNodeComms: Shoreside MOOS App for conditionally sending messages between vehicles.
- uFldObstacleSim: Simulation of obstacle (re)generation and lidar sensing of obstacles.
- uFldScope: Shoreside MOOS App for monitoring user-chosen fields across vehicles.
- uFldNodeBroker: Facilitates vehicle share connections to shoreside community.
- uPokeDB: A command line app for poking the MOOSDB.
- uQueryDB: A command line app, connect to MOOSDB, check condition, then exit.
- uSimMarine: A simple marine vehicle simulator.
- uTimerScript: An app for generating scripted pokes to the MOOSDB.