Publications Tyler Paine

2024 (2 items)

  1. Tyler Paine, Michael Benjamin, A Model for Multi-Agent Autonomy That Uses Opinion Dynamics and Multi-Objective Behavior Optimization, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May, 2024. (bibtex)
  2. Nicholas Rober, Karan Mahesh, Tyler Paine, Max Greene, Steven Lee, Sildomar Monteiro, Michael Benjamin, Jonathan How, Online Data-Driven Safety Certification for Systems Subject to Unknown Disturbances, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May, 2024. (bibtex)

2023 (2 items)

  1. Tyler Paine, Michael Benjamin, An Ensemble of Online Estimation Methods for One Degree-of-freedom models of Unmanned Surface Vehicles; Applied Theory and Preliminary Field Results with Eight Vehicles, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), October, 2023. (bibtex)
  2. Nikolai Gershfeld, Tyler Paine, Michael Benjamin, Adaptive and Collaborative Bathymetric Channel-Finding Approach for Multiple Autonomous Marine Vehicles, The IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, (8)7, 4028-4035, 2023. (bibtex)

2021 (1 item)

  1. Michael Benjamin, Tyler Paine, Supun Randeni, Autonomy Algorithms for Stable Dynamic Linear Convoying of Autonomous Marine Vehicles, OCEANS 2021 MTS/IEEE, October, 2021. (bibtex)

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