Lab 3 - Introduction to MOOS

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1  Overview and Objectives
     1.1 Preliminaries
     1.2 MOOS vs. MOOS-IvP
     1.3 More MOOS / MOOS-IvP Resources
     1.4 The MOOS Architecture
     1.5 Launching the MOOSDB
          1.5.1 A Bare-Bones Launching of the MOOSDB
          1.5.2 A More Civilized Launching of the MOOSDB
     1.6 Scoping the MOOSDB
          1.6.1 Scoping the MOOSDB with uXMS
          1.6.2 More Suggested Tinkering with uXMS
          1.6.3 Scoping with uMS
          1.6.4 Pros/Cons of uXMS vs uMS
          1.6.5 Scoping with pRealm
     1.7 Poking the MOOSDB
          1.7.1 Poking the MOOSDB with uPokeDB
          1.7.2 Further things to try Using uPokeDB
     1.8 Launching a Mission with pAntler
          1.8.1 Basic pAntler Usage
          1.8.2 An Example: Launching the MOOSDB along with uXMS
     1.9 Scripted Pokes to the MOOSDB
          1.9.1 Basic uTimerScript Usage
          1.9.2 A Simple Example with uTimerScript
          1.9.3 Exercises
2  A Simple Example with pXRelay
     2.1 Basic pXRelay Usage
     2.2 A Simple Example with pXRelay
3  First Experiments in Modifying MOOS App Code
     3.1 Download a Template Tree for Extending MOOS
     3.2 Building Your Tree
     3.3 Exercises in Modifying the pXRelayTest Code

1   Overview and Objectives

This lab will introduce MOOS to new users. It assumes nothing regarding MOOS background. The goals of this lab are to (a) understand the publish-subscribe architecture, (b) get comfortable launching and interacting with the MOOSDB, (c) understand how to generate scripted interactions with the MOOSDB, (d) understand how the logger operates and basic tools for examining log files.

  • MOOS Preliminaries: MOOS vs. MOOS-IvP, the MOOS Architecture
  • Launching, Scoping, and Poking the MOOSDB
  • Launching a Mission with pAntler
  • Scripted Pokes the to the MOOSDB
  • A Simple Example with pXRelayTest
  • Modify the pXRelayTest Code

1.1   Preliminaries    [top]

This lab assumes you have a working MOOS-IvP tree checked out and built on your computer. To verify this make sure that the following executables are built and findable in your shell path:

  $ which MOOSDB
  /Users/you/moos-ivp/bin/MOOSDB       (or /home/you/moos-ivp/bin/MOOSDB on Linux)
  $ which pHelmIvP

If unsuccessful with the above, return to the steps in Lab 1:

1.2   MOOS vs. MOOS-IvP    [top]

What is the relationship between MOOS and MOOS-IvP? MOOS-IvP is a superset of MOOS. The additional components include another architecture, the IvP Helm behavior-based architecture, and several additional MOOS applications. This is the nested repository concept depicted in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Nested Repositories: The MOOS-IvP tree contains the Oxford MOOS tree and additional modules from MIT including the Helm architecture, Helm behaviors and further MOOS applications.

1.3   More MOOS / MOOS-IvP Resources    [top]

We will only just touch the MOOS basics today. A few further resources are worth mentioning for following up this lab with your own exploration.

1.4   The MOOS Architecture    [top]

The main idea explored today is that MOOS is a publish-subscribe architecture. A single MOOSDB serves multiple MOOS applications by essentially handling the mail published and subscribed for by each app. A MOOS community is a collection of applications connected to a single MOOSDB.

Figure 1.2: The MOOS Architecture: MOOS is a publish-subscribe architecture. The MOOSDB serves a number of clients, handling mail for each client as new information is posted. A MOOSDB with connected clients constitutes a MOOS community. There may be multiple MOOS communities on a single machine, and a single MOOS community may be distributed over more than one machine.

For typical autonomous vehicle implementations, there is a MOOS community on board each vehicle. When simulating multiple vehicles on a single machine, there is also a single community associated with each vehicle. A MOOS community consists of a single MOOSDB with one or more connected clients (i.e. apps). The communications discussed in today's lab concern how a single app communicates with another app via the MOOSDB in the publish-subscribe architecture. Later labs will address how vehicles communicate with each other, essentially bridging two or more MOOS communities with one another.

For today, the focus is on the MOOSDB and connected applications. The MOOSDB, unlike an actual database, does not contain a full history of information that has passed through it. At most, it stores the latest value for any given MOOS variable published to the MOOSDB. When a new app connects to the MOOSDB it must register for the mail it needs. On startup, an app can expect to get a mail message containing the latest value for any variable it registers for, even if that mail reflects a posting to the MOOSDB long ago. Anything happening prior to that will be unknown to the newly connected app.

1.5   Launching the MOOSDB    [top]

Here we describe how to launch the MOOSDB from the perspective of the first-time user. The MOOSDB application is a server that runs on the robot or unmanned vehicle computer, or simply on your laptop during simulation. It may be launched from the command line, assuming it is in your path. Two minimalist methods are described here, starting with the most bare-bones.

1.5.1   A Bare-Bones Launching of the MOOSDB    [top]

In a bare-bones manner, the MOOSDB may be launched from the command line without any arguments. Normally the MOOSDB needs to know at least two pieces of configuration information, (a) the machine IP address on which to run, and (b) the port number on which to serve clients.

(Recall an IP address is comprised of four numbers in the range of [0,255] separated by a period. IP addresses are used for finding a particular machine on the Internet. For example, the oceanai class server resides at The term "localhost" acts as a stand-in IP address when refering to one's own machine. The port number refers to a channel of sorts on a computer. It's fair to think of the IP address like the street address of an apartment building, and the port number as the unit number within the building where a particular resident resides.)

When launching the MOOSDB with no command line arguments, it will default to running on the localhost and port 9000:

  ------------------- MOOSDB V10 -------------------
  Hosting  community                "#1"
  Name look up is                   off
  Asynchronous support is           on
  Connect to this server on port    9000
  network performance data published on localhost:9020
  listen with "nc -u -lk 9020"

At this point the MOOSDB is running on the local machine, serving clients on port 9000. A few variables are already being published, by the MOOSDB itself. You can open a scope with uXMS in another terminal window:

   $ uXMS DB_CLIENTS DB_TIME DB_UPTIME --serverhost=localhost --serverport=9000 

   uXMS_581                                              0/0(154)
   VarName     (S)ource   (T)ime  (C)  VarValue (SCOPING:EVENTS)
   ----------  ---------  ------  ---  -------------------------
   DB_CLIENTS  MOOSDB_#1  38.14        "uXMS_581,"
   DB_TIME     MOOSDB_#1  38.14        1387380731.414707
   DB_UPTIME   MOOSDB_#1  38.14        39.00859

The Source and Time columns may be expanded by hitting the "s" and "t" keys respectively after it launches, or you can add --show=source,time as a command line argument to uXMS, to launch with these two columns expanded.

Alternatively you can scope with the umm tool:

  $ umm --spy

The umm tool is part of the MOOS project at Oxford, while uXMS tool is part of the MOOS-IvP project at MIT. Overlap between toolset functions can often be found.

1.5.2   A More Civilized Launching of the MOOSDB    [top]

Virtually all MOOS applications are launched with a "mission configuration" file, a.k.a. a "dot-moos" file. The below mission file, moosdb_alpha.moos, provides the minimal configuration parameters the MOOSDB likes to see upon starting.

  // (wget
  ServerHost = localhost
  ServerPort = 9000
  Community  = alpha

Passing the moosdb_alpha.moos file as a command line argument produces the below output.

  $ MOOSDB moosdb_alpha.moos
  ------------------- MOOSDB V10 -------------------
    Hosting  community                "alpha"
    Name look up is                   off
    Asynchronous support is           on
    Connect to this server on port    9000
  network performance data published on localhost:9020
  listen with "nc -u -lk 9020"

Try this. Either copy and paste the above .moos file, or use wget as shown on the first line above in the example file. If you haven't installed wget or similar (e.g., curl), you should pause here and do that.

  $ sudo apt install wget             (On Linux)
  $ brew install wget                 (On MacOS using Homebrew)
  $ sudo port install wget            (On MacOS using MacPorts)

1.6   Scoping the MOOSDB    [top]

A MOOS scope is a tool for examining the state of the MOOSDB. The MOOSDB does not keep a history of prior values for a given variable, but rather just the most recent value posted. This means that the state of the MOOSDB may be regarded as the set of current MOOS variables, their values, and who made the last posting to the variable and when. Scoping allows a view into the current state (or even recent history) of the MOOSDB. There are multiple tools for scoping the DB, each providing conveniences of one kind or another. Here we describe the uXMS, uMS, and pRealm tools, the three favorites of our own lab.

More info on these two tools can be found at:

You can also navigate to the above two web pages by launching the app with the --web or -w option.

   $ uXMS --web
   $ pRealm -w

Most MOOS-IvP distributed apps support this command-line option.

1.6.1   Scoping the MOOSDB with uXMS    [top]

Your goals in this part are:

  1. Open a terminal window and launch the MOOSDB as done at the end of the previous exercise:
 ------------------- MOOSDB V10 -------------------
 Hosting  community                "#1"
 Name look up is                   off
 Asynchronous support is           on
 Connect to this server on port    9000
 network performance data published on localhost:9020
 listen with "nc -u -lk 9020"

The MOOSDB is normally launched with a mission file specifying the ServerHost and ServerPort parameters. When launched from the command line as above with no command line arguments, these two parameters default to localhost and 9000.

  1. Open a second terminal window and launch uXMS, passing it the --all command line switch. Just hit ENTER when prompted for the IP address and Port number, accepting the defaults of localhost and 9000. It should look something like:
 $ uXMS --all
 Enter IP address:  [localhost]
 Enter Port number: [9000]
 *  uXMS_632 starting ...
 uXMS_632 is Running:
 |-Baseline AppTick   @ 5.0 Hz
 |--Comms is Full Duplex and Asynchronous
 -Iterate Mode 0 :
 |-Regular iterate and message delivery at 5 Hz

After the above initial standard MOOSApp output, you should see a sequence of uXMS reports similar to:

 uXMS_443                                               0/0(31)
 VarName            (S)  (T)  (C)  VarValue (SCOPING:EVENTS)
 -----------------  ---  ---  ---  -------------------------
 DB_CLIENTS                        "uXMS_443,"
 DB_EVENT                          "connected=uXMS_443"
 DB_QOS                            "uXMS_443=0.448942:0.573874:0.364065:0.490189,"
 DB_TIME                           1424028179.877422
 DB_UPTIME                         16.741557
 UXMS_443_ITER_GAP                 1.019045
 UXMS_443_ITER_LEN                 0.00024
 -- displaying all variables --

Notice the number in parentheses on the second line is incrementing. This indicates that the report has been refreshed to your terminal. If you launched as above, the scope should come up in a mode that refreshes the report any time a scoped variable changes values. In this case, the MOOSDB is updating DB_TIME and DB_UPTIME about once per second. By default, uXMS only scopes on the variables named on the command line. In the above case, the --all option was used to tell uXMS to scope on all variables known to the MOOSDB.

The five variables shown beginning with DB_ are all published by the MOOSDB. The user may choose whether or not to show the variable (S)ource, (T)ime of post, or (C)ommunity from where the post was made. A key feature of uXMS vs. uMS is the ability to specify on the command-line exactly which subset of variables to scope, possibly with color-coding. This is helpful when there are hundreds of variables in the DB.

1.6.2   More Suggested Tinkering with uXMS    [top]

Try a few other things:

  1. Hit the 'h' key to see some keyboard interaction options that are available anytime the scope is running. Hit 'h' again any time to return to the previous mode.
  2. Hit the space-bar to pause the stream of reports. This is useful if numbers are changing rapidly and you just need to take a close look at something. Return to the previous mode by hitting 'e'.
  3. Hit the 's' key to expand the (S)ource column. This column tells you which app made the last posting. Try the same for the (T)ime and (C)ommunity columns.
  4. The whole purpose of a scope is to give you the key information you're looking for, without needing to sift through a lot of unwanted information, with as little effort as possible. In this step we'll pretend to be interested in focusing our attention on the DB_UPTIME variable. Try launching uXMS with an additional command line argument:
 $ uXMS --all --colormap=DB_UPTIME,blue

This may seem unnecessary when there are only three variables, but in real applications there may be hundreds of variables. In fact, the variable you're looking for may have scrolled off the window!

  1. A similar way to focus on a single variable is to only scope on the one variable we're looking for:
  1. uXMS only shows you the current snapshot of the variables in the MOOSDB. What if you would like to see how a variable is changing? In our case, we know how the DB_UPTIME variable is changing, but for the sake of showing this feature, try:
 $ uXMS --history=DB_UPTIME

1.6.3   Scoping with uMS    [top]

The uMS scope is a graphical MOOS scope, often preferred by those inclined to like GUIs vs. command line tools. It has some other advantages over uXMS as well.

Your goals in this part are:

  1. If you don't still have a MOOSDB running, open a terminal window and launch the MOOSDB as done previously:
  1. Open a second terminal window and launch uMS, passing it the same mission file as an argument:
 $ uMS

You should see a window open and, after clicking on the Connect button, you should see something similar to:

Figure 1.3: The uMS MOOS Scope

1.6.4   Pros/Cons of uXMS vs uMS    [top]

The choice of uXMS vs uMS is often just a matter of taste. A couple of differences are noteworthy however.

  • uMS allows for connections to multiple MOOSDBs, on perhaps multiple vehicles, simultaneously. The user may select the vehicle with the tab at the top of the screen.
  • uXMS allows the user to scope on as few as one single variable, or to name the variable scope list explicitly. uMS scopes on all variables all the time, with a few mechanisms for reducing the scope list based on process name.
  • uXMS may be a better choice if one is scoping on a remote MOOSDB, perhaps on a robot with a poor connection. It is a low-bandwidth client compared to uMS. If running on a remote terminal, its bandwidth back to the user is zero in the paused mode.
  • uXMS has provisions for at least limited scoping on a variable history.
  • uXMS will display a variable's "auxiliary source" information. This is a secondary field associated with each posting describing the source of the posting. This is key when using the IvPHelm. Variables posted by helm behaviors will have a source of pHelmIvP and an auxiliary source showing the behavior responsible for the posting.

1.6.5   Scoping with pRealm    [top]

Realmcasting is a feature first introduced in 2021. It complements Appcasting, which is the default set of windows open to the left of the GUI when running pMarineViewer in say the Alpha mission. If you are running a mission with pMarineViewer, it may be the only scoping tool you need. You can scope on selected vehicle (MOOS community), and selected app, as shown in Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.4: The RealmCasting interface in pMarineViewer is the lefthand side of the GUI comprising the three panels shown. Toggling between AppCasting and RealmCasting is done with the 'a' key.

The realmcasting pane on the lower-left is the primary output. It is split into two parts. On the top is a scope on all variables subscribed for by the selected application. The bottom half is a scope on all variables published by teh application.

If you are running pMarineViewer and do not see any content in this window, it is most likely due to the omission of running pRealm in both the shoreside and vehicle communities. It is enabled by default in the Alpha mission. Most other example missions also have realmcasting enabled.

1.7   Poking the MOOSDB    [top]

Poking refers to the idea of publishing a variable-value pair to the MOOSDB. Many apps publish to the MOOSDB during the course of normal operation. Poking implies a publication that perhaps was not planned, or outside the normal mode of business. It is often very useful for debugging. Here we describe the uPokeDB tool.

Where to get more information:

    Or simply:

 $ uPokeDB --web

1.7.1   Poking the MOOSDB with uPokeDB    [top]

uPokeDB is a command-line tool for poking the MOOSDB with one or more variable-value pairs. Poking the MOOSDB requires knowing where the MOOSDB is running in terms of its IP address, (ServerHost parameter), and port number, (ServerPort parameter). These may be specified on the command line to uPokeDB, but for our purposes here we assume the existence of a mission file, alpha.moos with this information:

  // (wget
  ServerHost = localhost
  ServerPort = 9000
  Community  = alpha

Your goals in this part are:

  1. Open two terminal windows and launch the MOOSDB and uXMS as done previously:
 $ MOOSDB alpha.moos
 $ uXMS alpha.moos --all

Now open a third terminal window for poking the MOOSDB as follows:

 $ uPokeDB DEPLOY=true SPEED=2 alpha.moos

Note the two new variables, DEPLOY and SPEED, appearing in the uXMS window. It should look something like:

 uXMS_655                                              0/0(204)
 VarName     (S)  (T)  (C)  VarValue (SCOPING:EVENTS)
 ----------  ---  ---  ---  -------------------------
 DB_CLIENTS                 "uXMS_655,"
 DB_TIME                    1386249435.276804
 DB_UPTIME                  46.213629
 DEPLOY                     "true"
 SPEED                      2
  1. Note the variable values in uXMS. DEPLOY has the value "true" with double quotes, indicating that it is a string. The variable SPEED is of type double, indicated by the lack of quotes. The types were inferred by uPokeDB by heuristically checking whether the arguments are numerical or not. But sometimes you do want to publish a string with a numerical value. Try posting the variable HEIGHT with the string value of "192", noting the colon-equals instead of equals:
 $ uPokeDB HEIGHT:=192 alpha.moos

Note the new variable, HEIGHT, appearing in the uXMS window. It should look something like the below output, where in this case, the (S)ource column is expanded to show the source of the postings.

 uXMS_655                                              0/0(347)
 VarName     (S)ource     (T)  (C)  VarValue (SCOPING:EVENTS)
 ----------  ---------    ---  ---  -------------------------
 DB_CLIENTS  MOOSDB_alpha           "uXMS_655,"
 DB_TIME     MOOSDB_alpha           1386250092.847527
 DB_UPTIME   MOOSDB_alpha           703.784353
 DEPLOY      uPokeDB                "true"
 HEIGHT      uPokeDB                "192"
 SPEED       uPokeDB                2

1.7.2   Further things to try Using uPokeDB    [top]

Here's some other things to consider and try:

  1. Trying poking the DEPLOY variable to the MOOSDB a second time, this time with:
 $ uPokeDB DEPLOY=100 alpha.moos

Does the value of DEPLOY change? If not, why not?

  1. Create a simple script of pokes on the command line as follows:
 $ uPokeDB APPLES=1 alpha.moos; sleep 5; uPokeDB APPLES=2 alpha.moos;

If you're new to the command line environment, the semicolon above separates successful command line invocations. The sleep command is a common shell utilitity that will simply pause a given number of seconds before completing.

  1. Another way to execute the same simple script as above is to store the above three commands in a file named, for example, myscript:
 uPokeDB APPLES=1 alpha.moos
 sleep 5
 uPokeDB APPLES=2 alpha.moos

With the above file you can make the two successive pokes to the MOOSDB, with five seconds in between, with:

 $ source myscript

There are many other ways of poking the MOOSDB. All MOOS apps that publish anything are examples. Of course many MOOS applications publish a fixed set of variables that are not easily changeable without re-coding. But certain apps like uTimerScript and pMarineViewer have built-in configuration file parameters for poking the MOOSDB in user configurable ways.

1.8   Launching a Mission with pAntler    [top]

In theory a set of N MOOS applications may be launched from N terminal windows, but this is cumbersome in practice. The pAntler tool allows this to be done from a single mission file. In this file, a block of lines declares all the apps to be launched with one invocation of pAntler.

Where to get more information:

1.8.1   Basic pAntler Usage    [top]

The Antler block is typically the first configuration block in a .moos file, declared with ProcessConfig = ANTLER as below. The MSBetweenLaunches parameter specifies the number of milliseconds between launching processes. Each line thereafter specifies an app to be launched and whether a dedicated console window should be opened for the application.

 ProcessConfig = ANTLER
   MSBetweenLaunches = 200

   Run = MOOSDB       @ NewConsole = true/false
   Run = AnotherApp   @ NewConsole = true/false
   Run = AnotherApp   @ NewConsole = true/false

Further options exist beyond the vanilla launch configuration described above, including (a) the ability to launch a given app under an aliased name, (b) specifying command-line arguments to an app at launch time and more. See the documentation.

1.8.2   An Example: Launching the MOOSDB along with uXMS    [top]

In the example below we use pAntler to launch the MOOSDB and the uXMS scope from a single mission file. The user preferences for uXMS are provided in its configuration block. Type uXMS --example on the command line for further options if you're curious.

Note: in this example, the launch process should result in a new xterm window opening. If you are running on GNU/Linux, the xterm should be available by default. If you are running MacOS, you may need to install xterm. If you type xterm on the MacOS Terminal command line and you receive a "command not found" error, then you may need to install xterm.

You may need to log out and log back in for this to take effect.

Your goals in this part are:

  1. Create a copy of the example mission file shown in Listing 1.1 below and save it locally as db_and_uxms.moos. (hint: the easiest way to do this is to just invoke the wget expression on the top line of this file. This will pull the file down from the server into your current directory.)

The mission may be launched from the command-line with:

 $ pAntler db_and_uxms.moos

This should open a new console window for uXMS displaying the variables posted by the DB, with the (S)ource and (T)ime columns expanded, but not the (C)ommunity column.

  1. Modify the uXMS configuration block in the .moos file to configure uXMS to keep a history of the DB_UPTIME variable. To see configuration options for uXMS, type:
 $ uXMS --example

Once you have launched uXMS with the new configuration, type 'z' to toggle in and out of history mode.

  1. Modify the db_and_uxms.moos file to launch a new terminal window for the MOOSDB in addition to the uXMS application.

Listing 1.1 - A simple mission file.

 // (wget
 ServerHost = localhost
 ServerPort = 9000
 Community  = alpha

 ProcessConfig = ANTLER   
   MSBetweenLaunches = 200

   Run = MOOSDB     @ NewConsole = false
   Run = uXMS       @ NewConsole = true

 ProcessConfig = uXMS
   AppTick   = 4
   CommsTick = 4

   DISPLAY_TIME   = true
   COLOR_MAP      = DB_CLIENTS, red

1.9   Scripted Pokes to the MOOSDB    [top]

Here we cover how to have a script of pre-arranged pokes to the MOOSDB. This may be useful for a number of reasons besides debugging. The primary tool described here is the uTimerScript MOOS application. It is capable of (a) scripted pokes at a pre-defined times after launch, (b) pokes having a poke-time specified to fall randomly within a specified interval, (c) pokes having numerical values falling with a uniformly random interval, and several other features including conditioning the running of the script based on other MOOS variables.

Where to get more information:

Or simply:

 $ uTimerscript --web

1.9.1   Basic uTimerScript Usage    [top]

uTimerScript is configured with its own block in the MOOS configuration file. The general format is below. The primary entries are the events themselves, defined by a MOOS variable, value, and time or time-range when the event is to occur. There are many options for configuring the script. These options are described in the documentation, but a quick look at the options can be seen by typing uTimerScript --example on the command line.

 ProcessConfig = uTimerScript
   event = var=<MOOSVar>, val=<value>, time=<value>
   event = var=<MOOSVar>, val=<value>, time=<value>
   event = var=<MOOSVar>, val=<value>, time=<value>


1.9.2   A Simple Example with uTimerScript    [top]

The below mission file contains a uTimerScript script for repeatedly posting the variable COUNTER_A with values 1-10 in ascending order roughly once every half second. The last event in the script is posted at time chosen from a random five second interval.

Listing 1.2 - A simple counter example with uTimerScript.

 // (wget
 ServerHost = localhost
 ServerPort = 9000
 Community  = alpha

 ProcessConfig = ANTLER
   MSBetweenLaunches = 200

   Run = MOOSDB       @ NewConsole = false
   Run = uXMS         @ NewConsole = true
   Run = uTimerScript @ NewConsole = false

 ProcessConfig = uXMS
   COLOR_MAP      = COUNTER_A, red

 ProcessConfig = uTimerScript
   paused = false

   event  = var=COUNTER_A, val=1,  time=0.5
   event  = var=COUNTER_A, val=2,  time=1.0
   event  = var=COUNTER_A, val=3,  time=1.5
   event  = var=COUNTER_A, val=4,  time=2.0
   event  = var=COUNTER_A, val=5,  time=2.5
   event  = var=COUNTER_A, val=6,  time=3.0
   event  = var=COUNTER_A, val=7,  time=3.5
   event  = var=COUNTER_A, val=8,  time=4.0
   event  = var=COUNTER_A, val=9,  time=4.5
   event  = var=COUNTER_A, val=10, time=5:10

   reset_max  = nolimit
   reset_time = all-posted

The mission may be launched from the command-line with:

  $ pAntler utscript.moos

This should open a new console window for uXMS displaying the variables COUNTER_A variable repeatedly incrementing from 1 to 10. Note that reaching 10 happens somewhere between 0.5 and 5.5 seconds after reaching 9.

1.9.3   Exercises    [top]

Your goals in this part are:

  1. Create a copy of the example mission file in Listing 1.2 above and save it locally.
  2. Launch the mission. It should open a uXMS window. Follow the progress of the counter script.
 $ pAntler utscript.moos
  1. Take a look at the uTimerScript documentation linked from the web page. In particular, Section 3 Script Flow Control. Configure the script such that is paused when uTimerScript is launched. Launch the same mission and confirm that the script is initially not running. Then use uPokeDB to un-pause the script, and confirm it is running. Hint: to un-pause the script with uPokeDB, you'll need to know which variable to poke, and this also can be found in the uTimerScript documentation or by typing uTimerScript -i on the command line.
  2. This is a bit of a pAntler exercise. Configure your mission to launch two versions of the script, the second version publishing to COUNTER_B. Note you will need two configuration blocks, each with a unique name. And you will need to launch uTimerScript twice within the Antler block, each with an alias. Hint: see the pXRelay example at the end of Lab 3.
  3. Confirm your new mission launches and executes the two separate scripts and both counters are incrementing.
  4. Configure the second script with a condition parameter. See Section 3.2 of the uTimerScript documentation. Use a condition such as "condition = COUNTER_A > 5". Re-launch your mission. Confirm that the second script is paused periodically based on the state of the first script.
  5. Add the pLogger application to your mission. You will need to add a pLogger entry to your ANTLER configuration block, and add the following pLogger configuration block at the end of your file.
 ProcessConfig = pLogger
 AsyncLog = true
 WildCardLogging = true
 WildCardOmitPattern = *_STATUS

Re-run the mission. Confirm that you see the pLogger application listed in the DB_CLIENTS variable in the uXMS scope.

  1. Verify that a log file has been created. Since we didn't specify a name for the log file, by default it should be in a subdirectory of where you launched the mission, looking something like MOOSLog_11_23_2016_____11_31_13/. Enter the directory and confirm that you see an .alog file.
  2. Take a look a the file by typing more filename.alog. Then take at look at the COUNTER variables using aloggrep (substituting of course the name of your .alog file:
 $ aloggrep COUNTER_A COUNTER_B   MOOSLog_11_23_2016_____11_31_13.alog

2   A Simple Example with pXRelay

pXRelay is a simple MOOS app designed solely to illustrate basic functions of a MOOS app. It registers for a single variable, and upon receiving mail for that variable, it publishes another variable incremented by 1. It provides a framework for illustrating a few other introductory topics.

2.1   Basic pXRelay Usage    [top]

pXRelay is configured with its own block in the MOOS configuration file. It is configured with (a) an incoming variable, the variable it will register for incoming mail, and (b) an outgoing variable, a variable it will post an incremented integer each time it receives mail on the incoming variable. The basic form is:

  ProcessConfig = pXRelay                                         
    outgoing_var = <MOOSVar>                                   
    incoming_var = <MOOSVar>                                      

2.2   A Simple Example with pXRelay    [top]

The below mission file contains a configuration for two instances of the pXRelay application. All MOOS apps must have a unique name to connect to the MOOSDB, so we launch them with an alias with pAntler using the ~pXRelay_PEARS alias for example. The two apps each register for what the other produces, and each produces what the other registers for.

Listing 2.1 - Example Code.

   0   // (wget
   1   ServerHost = localhost
   2   ServerPort = 9000
   3   Community  = alpha
   5   ProcessConfig = ANTLER
   6   {
   7     MSBetweenLaunches = 200
   9     Run = MOOSDB       @ NewConsole = false
  10     Run = pXRelay      @ NewConsole = false ~pXRelay_PEARS
  11     Run = pXRelay      @ NewConsole = false ~pXRelay_APPLES
  12   }
  14   ProcessConfig = pXRelay_APPLES
  15   {
  16     AppTick       = 10
  17     CommsTick     = 10
  18     incoming_var  = APPLES
  19     outgoing_var  = PEARS
  20   }
  22   ProcessConfig = pXRelay_PEARS
  23   {
  24     AppTick       = 10
  25     CommsTick     = 10
  26     incoming_var  = PEARS
  27     outgoing_var  = APPLES
  28   }

Upon launch, the two pXRelay apps are in a stalemate, each waiting for the other to make the first posting. We can break this stalemate with uPokeDB:

  $ uPokeDB xrelay.moos PEARS=1

This should get things going. Now it would be good to see it all running by launching a scope:

  $ uXMS xrelay.moos --all --show=time

Your goals in this part are:

  1. Create a copy of the example mission file shown in Listing 2.1 above and save it locally as pxrelay.moos. (hint: use wget!)
  2. Launch the mission. Open up uXMS in another Terminal window with the parameters of your choosing. I recommend
 $ uXMS pxrelay.moos --colorany=APPLES,PEARS --all
  1. Kick off the activity by poking one of the APPLES or PEARS variables with an initial value. Confirm that things are working as they should.
  2. Add uTimerScript to your mission file, with a simple script to kick off the pXRelay handshaking at some point after launch (say 10 secs), as an alternative way to kicking off the activity instead of uPokeDB. You'll need to add uTimerScript to your ANTLER configuration block, and add a simple script (a uTimerScript configuration block) to your .moos file.
  3. Change your uTimerScript script to be the ascending counter script from Section 1.9, incrementing COUNTER_A 1 to 10. Configure it with paused=false, but add a condition to your script (condition = APPLES == $(PEARS). Re-launch the revised mission. Since APPLES is equal to PEARS periodically, the condition will periodically be met. (You will still need to kick things off with either an initial poke from the command line, or re-use the script from the previous item as a second script to kick things off.)
  4. Try changing the AppTick in one of the pXRelay configurations to 0.1. You should note that the script is now mostly in the state where its conditions are not met. Can you explain why?

3   First Experiments in Modifying MOOS App Code

Next we will take the first steps toward extending the MOOS-IvP code. This is done by creating your own "third-party" tree, with your own MOOS apps.

3.1   Download a Template Tree for Extending MOOS    [top]

In writing MOOS apps and later helm behaviors in this class, you'll need your own software folder. This folder will need a bit of structure and CMake files for compiling the source code. To make this a bit easier, a template for this is available. Follow the instructions in the separate Version Control with Git document alongside the other lab documents, linked from the Labs section on the course website. Follow these instructions before proceeding to Section 3.2.

This folder has an example MOOS app and example helm behavior and the CMake files for building the code. We will use this as starting point for writing code in the class. And our first exercise below, involves trying to make some simple modifications of the example app.

The name of your tree should be moos-ivp-janedoe, where janedoe is your MIT Athena name. Hereafter we will simply refer to this tree generically as the moos-ivp-extend tree.

3.2   Building Your Tree    [top]

Verify that you can build your moos-ivp-extend tree by:

  $ cd moos-ivp-extend
  $ ./

It should add the executable, pXRelayTest, in moos-ivp-extend/bin/.

Add the above directory to your shell path. Replacing extend with your username in all of the above.

3.3   Exercises in Modifying the pXRelayTest Code    [top]

The moos-ivp-extend tree contains an app very similar to pXRelay from the moos-ivp tree. This app is call pXRelayTest. We will attempt to modify some of the behavior of the pXRelay application while putting our modifications in the new moos-ivp-extend tree, in pXRelayTest.

  1. Take a look at the pXRelayTest source code. It is inside moos-ivp-extend/src/pXReleayTest. Look inside Relayer.cpp. Check out the OnNewMail() and Iterate() loops.
  2. Can you modify this code to make it increment by ten instead of one?
  3. Can you modify this code such that it takes two incoming variables, and does its thing if either of the two variables is written to?

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