Group: Testing Toolbox
Total Lines of Code: 3,173
Total Files of Code: 32
Total Work Years: 0.62
Group Description: (7 modules)
The Testing Toolbox provides a number of utilities and apps aimed at providing (a) run time analysis modules for assessing one or more mission aspects (b) post-missions tools for analyzing and logged data and preparing data for plotting, and (c) scripts and auto-launch tools for automating large sets of mission variations.
- ippgen: A utility for generating random instances of IvP problems.
- ippsolve: A utility for solving IvP problems for benchmark testing.
- isrplot: A utility for reading a results (.isr) file and generating file suitable for generating plots in GNUPlot.
- ippview: A utility for rendering IvP problems in 2 dimensions.
- isrtex: A utility for reading a results (.isr) file and generating a LaTex (.tex) file with a table of the results.
- pEvalLoiter: Run-time evaluation of efficiency during execution of loiter mode.
- gen_obstacles: Generate polygon obstacles at random locations with separation guarantees.