Library: lib_mbutil
Brief Synopsis:
A library of kitchen-sink utilities used by many applications.
- Michael Benjamin
Apps dependent on this library: (80)
- gen_hazards, pFrontEstimate, pFrontGridRender, pGradeFrontEstimate, uFldCTDSensor, uFldHazardMetric, uFldHazardMgr, uFldHazardSensor, iNeptune, alogavg, alogbin, alogcat, alogcd, alogcheck, alogclip, alogeplot, aloggrep, aloghelm, alogiter, alogpare, alogrm, alogscan, alogsort, alogsplit, alogview, gen_obstacles, iSay, manifest_test, manifest_wiki, pBasicContactMgr, pContactMgrV20, pDeadManPost, pEchoVar, pHelmIvP, pHostInfo, pMarinePID, pMarineViewer, pNodeReporter, pObstacleMgr, pRealm, pickpos, uFldBeaconRangeSensor, uFldCollisionDetect, uFldCollObDetect, uFldContactRangeSensor, uFldMessageHandler, uFldShoreBroker, uFldNodeComms, uFldObstacleSim, uFldScope, uFldNodeBroker, uFunctionVis, uHelmScope, uLoadWatch, uMAC, uMACView, uMemWatch, uPlotViewer, uPokeDB, uProcessWatch, uQueryDB, uSimMarine, uTermCommand, uTimerScript, uXMS, zaic_hdg, zaic_hleq, zaic_peak, zaic_spd, zaic_vect, pTaskManager, uSimMarineX, alogmtask, pMarinePIDx, uFldVoronoi, pEncircle, bngview, gridview, voiview, obview.
- Pending
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The lib_mbutil library contains many basic utility classes and C++ functions used in virtually all applications. This include many string manipulation utilities, classes supporting definitions of supported colors in many apps, utilities for reading from files into a vector of strings and many more.
Lines of Code:
- 4,489
Files of Code:
- 45
Work Years:
- 0.97