Release Notes for Version 12.2 (February 6th, 2012)

  • Release 12.2 contains a modified version of r.2375 from the Oxford MOOS tree.
    The modifications to the MOOS tree involve changes to pMOOSBridge to allow for dynamic bridge registrations. These modifications to pMOOSBridge will be release by Oxford in a their next packaged release. (see nested repositories)

Notable changes - since release 4.2.2 (Aug 25th 2011).


  • Added support for dynamic bridge registrations through the variable PMB_REGISTER.
  • Added the publication of the PMB_UDP_LISTEN containing the port on which pMOOSBridge may be listening for incoming UDP messages.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • A new application that gathers local host information such as the machine's current IP address, community name, port # on which the local MOOSDB is running, and port number on which pMOOSBridge is listening for UDP messages. Posts this information for other apps, especially those in the uField Toolbox.


  • The AvoidObstacle behavior no longer exhibits the erroneous behavior due to the error in growing/shrinking the XYPolygon used for representing the buffer around the obstacle. Uses of this behavior are recommended to adopt this change.
  • Implement support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • New simple app for using a grid to keep track of cumulative vehicle history over the X-Y plane. (r.3848)
  • Implement support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • A new application in the new uField Toolbox for simulating an on-board sensor that provides a range measurement to a beacon where either (a) the vehicle knows where it is but is trying to determine the position of the beacon via a series of range measurements, or (b) the vehicle does not know where it is but is trying to determine its own position based on the range measurements from one or more beacons at known locations.


  • A new application in the new uField Toolbox for simulating range measurements to off-board contacts, as a proxy for an on-board active sonar sensor. The range-only measurements are provided conditionally, depending on the range between the pinging vehicle and the contact. The simulator may optionally be configured to provide range measurements with noise.


  • A new application in the new uField Toolbox that runs on a vehicle and handles incoming inter-node messages. In the uField Toolbox typical arrangement, these messages are arriving from a shoreside MOOS community from the uFldNodeComms and pMOOSBridge applications.


  • A new application in the new uField Toolbox that runs on a vehicle and aims to broker a connection to a shoreside command and control community. It does this by gathering its own host information (IP address, port # etc) and reaching out to a shoreside community at a number of possible locations.


  • A new application in the new uField Toolbox that is the complement of the uFldNodeBroker. It resides on a shoreside computer and accepts incoming node connections and arranges for bridging of key command and control messages between the shore and the nodes.


  • A new application in the new uField Toolbox that runs on the shoreside computer and acts as a middleman for node reports between fielded vehicles. It may apply range dependency and latency between nodes.


  • A new application in the new uField Toolbox that runs on the shoreside and evaluates key information on incoming vehicle node reports, keeping track of avg speed, top speed, odometry etc.


  • A new application in the new uField Toolbox that runs on the shoreside and may be configured to pull user-defined key information from various data sources on all fielded vehicles, providing a convenient table for command and control information.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Bug fixes addressed to restore original functionality.
  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.


  • Bug fix regarding the rendering of the point on an IvP Function representing the chosen decision for that particular helm iteration.


  • Added hooks to accept present water depth to allow the simulator to also publish NAV_ALTITUDE (based on NAV_DEPTH). The simulator may subscribe for USM_WATER_DEPTH produced by any other MOOS App with access to the vehicle position and bathymetry data. As a simple case uSimMarine may be configured with DEFAULT_WATER_DEPTH=N to use as a constant number for all altitude publications. If no water depth is known, the the simulator simply will not publish altitude.
  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.


  • Added pMarineViewer parameter to not render stale vehicles by default after 120 seconds of staleness. Duration can be changed with the config parameter stale_report_thresh_nodraw=N. Addition at the suggestion of Stephanie Kemna, NURC.
  • Implement support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.
  • Support for rendering XYConvexGrid instances via VIEW_GRID mail. Also support for altering grid transparency.
  • Added support for VIEW_COMMS_PULSE message rendering.


  • IvP GUI applications, e.g., pMarineViewer, alogview, uFunctionVis, are now building against FLTK 1.3.0 which is included in the moos-ivp tree. The CMakeLists.txt files of the FLTK GUI apps have been all updated correspondingly. The lib_fltk-1.1.10 library is now no longer included in the moos-ivp tree. This move is partly motivated by the recent stable release of FLTK 1.3.0 (and the FLTK 1.1.10 is no longer under development), and the apparent inability to build FLTK 1.1.10 on OS X Lion systems.


  • Bug fix regarding the growing or shrinking of XYPolygon instances. Instances needed to recheck their convexity status and cache local information regarding which "side" of a edge a point needs to be on to be considered internal.
  • Added the XYConvexGrid class as an improved version from the XYGrid class. Also added serialization support for this class. (r.3848)
  • Added the XYCommsPulse class for supporting the visualization of communications between two vehicles.


  • Minor fix for iMatlab pulled in from the Oxford MOOS trunk (r.2375), now part of the moos-ivp trunk.


  • Added auto-detect watch list option - to watch for any process ever appearing on the DB_CLIENTS list.
  • Added a NOWATCH config option to not watch for a given process.
  • Added config option to have a dedicated watch report for a given process, e.g. PROC_PFOOBAR=true.
  • Modified documentation here
  • Implemented support for --example, --interface command line options.
  • Added support for pAntler launch aliasing with alias in arg[2] command args.