@article{benjamin2006a, title = {A Method for Protocol-Based Collision Avoidance Between Autonomous Marine Surface Craft.}, author = {Michael R. Benjamin and John J. Leonard and Joseph A. Curcio and Paul M. Newman}, journal = {Journal of Field Robotics}, pages = {333 - 346}, number = {5}, volume = {23}, year = {2006}, keywords = {ROBOTICS}, abstract = {This paper is concerned with the in-field autonomous operation of unmanned marine vehicles in accordance with convention for safe and proper collision avoidance as prescribed by the Coast Guard Collision Regulations (COLREGS). These rules are written to train and guide safe human operation of marine vehicles and are heavily dependent on human common sense in determining rule applicability as well as rule execution, especially when multiple rules apply simultaneously. To capture, the flexibility exploited by humans, this work applies a novel method of multiobjective optimization, interval programming, in a behavior-based control framework for representing the navigation rules, as well as task behaviors, in a way that achieves simultaneous optimal satisfaction. We present experimental validation of this approach using multiple autonomous surface craft. This work represents the first in-field demonstration of multiobjective optimization applied to autonomous COLREGS-based marine vehicle}}