Application: pDeadManPost
Brief Synopsis:
Enable configured postings to be staged in the absence of other events.
- Michael Benjamin
Contact Email:
The pDeadManPost application allows the user to arrange configured posts to the MOOSDB in the absence of another event. The following are a few of the motivating scenarios: (1) On a shoreside community, a dead-man post can be made to trigger an alert when a deployed vehicle is out of contact after some period of time. The alert could be a posting to trigger an alarm .wav file or a spoken alert message through iSay. (2) On a surface vehicle, a dead-man post can be made to put the vehicle in a station-keeping mode if comms to the shoreside command and control goes silent for some period of time. (3) On an underwater vehicle, a dead-man post can be made to put the vehicle in a return-to-home mode if it loses updates from navigation beacons for some period of time.
Lines of Code:
- 346 (with libraries: 23,271)
Files of Code:
- 5 (with libraries: 221)
Work Years:
- 0.07 (with libraries: 5.25)