@inproceedings{cao16, title = {Design of portable AUV remote control device based on MOOS-IvP}, booktitle = {2016 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER)}, author = {Shuai Cao and Hongli Xu and Qingyong Jia and Gong Chen}, pages = {25-28}, month = {June}, year = {2016}, keywords = {autonomous underwater vehicles;control engineering computing;microcontrollers;motion control;operating systems (computers);program compilers;velocity qcontrol;MOOS-IvP architecture;Raspberry Pi microcomputer;Ubuntu operating system;autonomous underwater vehicle;backward control function;block compiler environment;forward control function;lithium battery;portable AUV remote control device;remote control function;speed control function;turning control function;wireless bridge;Automation;Bridge circuits;Computer architecture;Operating systems;Robots;Wireless communication;AUV;MOOS-IvP;controller;raspberry pi;remote control device}}