Heron USVs by Clearpath Robotics

MIT presently owns and operates six Heron M300 unmanned surface vehicles manufactured by Clearpath Robotics. These platforms support a payload autonomy interface that allows researchers and students to implement the autonomy system on a separate computer residing in the vehicle payload section. The hull design allows for easy deployment of sensors or communications equipment such as an acoustic modem, deployed from the payload section of the vehicle. These platforms are used in the student labs of MIT 2.680 Marine Autonomy Sensing and Communications.

These platforms are used in the student labs of MIT 2.680 Marine Autonomy Sensing and Communications. Students run their autonomy solutions on course-provided payload autonomy computers, and are typically provide COLREGS collision avoidance modules for safely operating multiple vehicles in a confined area.

Primary funding for the vehicles has been provided by Battelle. Additional support has been provided by the DARPA TTO office, and by Clearpath Robotics in the form of generous educational discounts, and Scientific Systems Company, Inc., in the form of a donated platform.
