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Talk-19: MOOS-IvP Release 24.8 and the Swarm Autonomy Toolbox

Michael Benjamin, MIT Dept of Mechanical Engineering

This talk will provide a very brief overview of the MOOS-IvP project for newcomers, followed by a fairly detailed description of four key additions to the Version 24.8 release of MOOS-IvP. These include:

  • The new platform model support for the helm and behaviors that allow non-holonomic turn models to be represented and utilized by helm behaviors.
  • The new obstacle avoidance behavior, BHV_AvoidObstacleV24, which uses a Dubins platform model. The new features of the obstacle simulator and obstacle manager will also be discussed.
  • Four new behaviors, (a) the LegRun behavior, (b) the FixedTurn behavior, (c) the ZigZag behavior, (d) the FullStop behavior and (e) the OpRegionV24 behavior.
  • The Mission Hash features and related utilities for tying multiple vehicles, and shoreside operator community through a single auto-generated mission hash, to facilitate post-mission archiving and post-mission data analysis tools.

The talk will also briefly describe elements of the non-public Swarm Autonomy Toolbox, and ongoing major efforts to be wrapped into the next public release version of MOOS-IvP.


  • MOOS-IvP
  • Human-Machine Teaming