Group: SwarmBox

Total Lines of Code: 24,202

Total Files of Code: 164

Total Work Years: 4.97

Group Description: (24 modules)

The Swarm Toolbox




  • pTaskManager: Manage incoming tasks and bids for decentralized decision-making.
  • pMediator: Manage inter-vehcicle messaging, supporting acknowledgements and re-sends.
  • pEncircle: Advise the Helm Loiter behavior on speeds relative to contacts.
  • uSimMarineX: A much faster new version of uSimMarine with embedded PID controller.
  • alogmtask: Analyze an alog file for mission task events and resolutions.
  • pMarinePIDx: A refactored PID controller using new utility classes.
  • uFldTaskMonitor: A shoreside tool for monitoring tasks across a group of vehicles.
  • uFldVoronoi: A shoreside tool for rendering vehicles participating in a Voronoi coverage.
  • pEncircle: An app to enable balanced encircling with multiple vehicles.
  • bngview: A GUI app rendering pair of vehicles and several geometric relationships.
  • gridview: A GUI app for rendering a region/grid, and creating bathymetry map.
  • voiview: A GUI app for rendering and testing Voronoi data structures and algorithms.
  • obview: A GUI app for rendering and testing obstacle avoidance algorithms.
  • pTaskManager: Manage incoming tasks and bids for decentralized decision-making.
  • pMediator: Manage inter-vehcicle messaging, supporting acknowledgements and re-sends.
  • pEncircle: Advise the Helm Loiter behavior on speeds relative to contacts.
  • BHV_Muster: A behavior mustering in a region and keeping separation from others.
  • BHV_TaskMuster: A task behavior for auctioning on traversing to a muster region.
  • BHV_TaskWaypoint: A task behavior for auctioning on traversing to a destination.
  • BHV_TaskConvoy: A task behavior for auctioning on forming a convoy ordering.

  • lib_marine_pid: Library holding PID Engine code for embedding in apps using PID control.
  • lib_voronoi: Library holding key data structures and utilities for Voronoi apps/behaviors.
  • lib_genpoly: Library representing and handling general non-convex polygons.
  • lib_helmtask: Library of core classes and utilities for task related behaviors and apps.