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Talk-10: PEARL: Platform for Expanding AUV exploRation to Longer ranges (DemoDay 2024)

Prof. Oli de Weck, Christina Nguyen, Nik Tapanaien, Abhishek Bhattiprolu, Ayden Soderblom, Sung Wook Paek, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

PEARL is a novel low-cost solar-powered service platform for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs). It runs the modular MOOS-IvP operating system and has the ability to dock with surfaced AUVs, monitor the environment, navigate to predetermined waypoints, provide collision avoidance with other surface vessels and links the oceans with space through dual Iridium and Starlink satellite connectivity. Future autonomous marine systems will not operate in isolation, one vehicle at a time, but as part of a heterogeneous System-of-Systems to improve our capabilities in environmental monitoring, scientific exploration, Blue economy related activities, as well as national defense.


  • USVs
  • Mobile Buoys