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Talk-01: The JaiaBot UUV
Speaker: Ian Estaphan Owen, Jaia Robotics
Speaker: Jason Webster, Jaia Robotics
Jaia Robotics has been disrupting the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) market since 2020 by providing very low-cost, ultra-portable, high-speed aquatic drones that can be deployed in multi vehicle pods. Provided with open-sourced software, the JaiaBot system often serves as a platform for extending sensing and performance capabilities.
The JaiaBot aquatic drones transit autonomously at high speed on the surface to their programmed data collection location, and provide multi-vehicle synoptic data collection throughout the water column. The ultra-portable JaiaBots can be launched from almost anywhere, including the surf zone, riverbank, dock, or watercraft. Powerful communications capabilities allow missions to be run and data collected from anywhere in the world.
Customers include academic research, DOD, environmental organizations, and industry.
- AUVs
- USVs