Help Topic: Downloading and Building the MOOS-IvP Software

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Downloading and Building the MOOS-IvP Software

The MOOS-IvP autonomy code may be checked out and built following the steps on this page. Before you begin, below are few steps that need to be done beforehand:

  • On the Mac you will need to have installed either the Homebrew or Macports package manager installed, for installing a few external software dependencies you will need for building all of MOOS-IvP. While the helm and other "on-the-robot" apps do not have dependencies, the MOOS-IvP graphical (operator) tools do have dependencies like OpenGL, FLTK, etc.

Downloading the Software    [top]

The latest software is downloaded using Subversion (svn). You will download this into your home directory.

  $ cd 
  $ svn co moos-ivp
  • The above command invokes svn to check out a tree, at the given URL, with the local name of "moos-ivp".
  • This tree is generally available from in one of several forms. The most public forms are (1) the latest release, and (2) the development trunk.
  • At any point after an initial checkout, users may pull down the latest updates to the software by typing:
  $ cd moos-ivp
  $ svn update

Building the Course Software    [top]

After a successful download, you should have a new directory (folder) called moos-ivp. All the code is in this folder. There are README instructions in the top-level folder for each OS flavor. For GNU/Linux, the README-GNULINUX.txt file will tell you that there are a few packages to install before building:

  $ sudo apt-get install  g++  cmake  xterm 
  $ sudo apt-get install  libfltk1.3-dev  freeglut3-dev  libpng-dev  libjpeg-dev 
  $ sudo apt-get install  libxft-dev  libxinerama-dev   libtiff5-dev 

For MacOS, the README-OS-X.txt file indicates the following package dependencies:

  $ brew install fltk cmake libtiff

Or with MacPorts:

  $ sudo port install fltk-devel cmake libtiff

You should also install the XQuartz software, which enables the use of X Terminal windows:

Once this is completed, the course software may be built in the steps below:

  $ cd moos-ivp
  $ ./
  (let it build)
  $ ./
  (let it build)

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