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Talk-05: MOOS-IvP for Autonomous Inland Shipping: Challenges and Opportunities

Speaker: Peter Slaets, University of Leuven, KU Leuven, Belgium

Gerben Peeters, Senne Van Baelen University of Leuven, KU Leuven, Belgium

The IMP research group at KU Leuven, Belgium is performing research within the domain of autonomous Inland shipping. For this reason MOOS-IvP was selected as middle-ware platform in 2017 and during the upcoming years extended with additional obstacles management functionalities and more adequate visualization. These extensions make MOOS-IvP applicable for (basic) inland waterway maneuvering. The concept of static and dynamic obstacles is introduced and integrated within MOOS-IvP enabling confined space navigation based on the current ivp-solver. Challenges and opportunities induced by this new approach are addresses more in detail. The current pMarineViewer is replaced by an open source openCPN viewer that fully exploits the additional features of the public available Electronic Navigation Charts (ENCs). The limitation of the current viewer and the opportunities when using openCPN are addressed.


  • USVs
  • Inland USVs
  • Mission Control
  • OpenCPN