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Talk-06: L3 OceanServer Iver Simulator

Speaker: Hunter Brown, L3 Ocean Server

This talk will present the recently released L3 OceanServer Iver Simulator (early adopter package) and describe its operation and application.

Due to the cost and logistical effort often involved in deploying underwater vehicles, there is a strong demand for performing behavioral development and testing in a purely software simulated environment. L3 OceanServer has recently committed to developing a physics-based vehicle simulator that allows operators to use the standard operator console (rugged laptop) with VectorMap to plan, upload, and execute frontseat missions with full backseat interoperability, while visualizing the mission in real-time in the 3D simulator without risk to real-world vehicles.

Separated into a vehicle simulator (compatible with both the Iver3 and Iver4) and environmental simulator, operators can tune environmental parameters using a built-in scripting language, similar to the on-vehicle Remote Helm API, and can trigger events like vehicle sensor degradation (noise and drift) and sensor failure at any time. The vehicle simulator hardware provides the same WiFi and radio interfaces as the vehicle and is intended to be interacted with using the same CONOPS as a physical vehicle (yes, even the handheld controller). A TCP/IP socket between the vehicle simulator and environmental simulator allows bi-directional communication and relays sensor and actuator data between the two, while sensor data is fed to the frontseat UVC software via virtual serial-ports.

Beyond mission testing, backseat development and testing, and tuning, the simulator is ideal for classroom training and will also serve as a new post-mission analysis tool with built-in support for virtual-reality using the HTC Vive family of systems. Currently the simulator is offered in an early-adopter package with frequent updates as initial development progresses.


  • Simulation
  • UUVs