Configuring a New Heron (Front Seat) Computer
The M300 instruction manual includes instructions for logging into the vehicle and the OEM default username and password. The steps below can be followed when logged in to the default account.
Log Onto the Front Seat
To connect to a factory-fresh M300 Heron:
- With the M200 turned off, connect an ethernet cable between the payload port of the Heron and a laptop.
- Configure the laptop to have an ethernet IP of, and subnet mask of Clear other settings.
- Turn off the wifi or other network connections on the laptop.
- Turn on the Heron.
- After a couple of minutes, use
$ ping
to identify when the front seat is up and ready. - Connect to the front seat using the default login
$ ssh administrator@
with passwordclearpath
Give the Heron and MIT Name
The factory-fresh M300 Heron has a computer name with no meaning on the MIT network. To change the name to one of our choice (using evan as the example):
- Log into the vehicle
- Edit
and replace the file contents with the new name - Edit
and replace any occurrence of the old name with the new name
Configure the Heron to use the PavLab Network
These instructions describe how to set up the Heron for the PavLab's wireless network which uses WPA2-AES security with PSK Authentication. For instructions on finding the key wpa-psk f*********c used below, follow the instructions for WPA passphrase.
Each vehicle has an ID number related to the first letter of its name. Evan is 5, Felix is 6. The /etc/network/interfaces
file from Felix looks like this:
auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static address netmask gateway dns-nameservers # if using WPA2-AES with PSK Authentication # use the wpa lines below wpa-driver wext wpa-ssid ubntWPA wpa-ap-scan 1 wpa-proto RSN wpa-pairwise CCMP wpa-group CCMP wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK wpa-psk f*********c # if using WEP encryption, comment the wpa lines above # and uncomment the lines below that start with wireless #wireless-essid ubnt #wireless-mode Managed #wireless-key1 s:hove*******23 #wireless-keymode open auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask broadcast
Logging Back in to the FrontSeat
Now we are ready to disconnect the Ethernet cable between your laptop and the Heron and attempt to log back in over the wireless network.
- Disconnect the Ethernet cable to the Heron
- Make sure both Heron antennas are in place
- Make sure the PavLab WiFi is on, the bullet antenna is plugged in and looking healthy, and that your laptop is connected with a 192.168.1.X IP address (if you're a regular lab user, you may want to get a fixed IP address for your machine).
- Power cycle the Heron
- Ping the vehicle
$ ping (Where X=4:Jing, 5:Evan, 6:Felix, 7:Gus, 8:Hal, 9:IDA)
- If you have a ping, go ahead and log on:
$ ssh administrator@
Configuring the DHCP Server
Once you are logged back on to the Heron computer, we want to install a few extra applications. The primary goal at this stage is to install, configure and run a DHCP server on the Heron front-seat to serve computers connected to the Heron Ethernet port - in particular our PABLO computer. To install packages, we'll need access to the internet. Check to confirm access by pinging oceanai or any other external machine:
$ ping
Here are some packages to install:
$ apt-get install emacs, tcsh, isc-dhcp-server
The last of these packages is the DHCP server. This website: describes in general how to configure a DHCP server. To configure the server for the M300 Heron:
- Edit
to look like this (remember to replace.X.
with the relevant vehicle number):
ddns-update-style none; subnet 192.168.X.0 netmask { range 192.168.X.100 192.168.X.100; option routers 192.168.X.1; option subnet-mask; option domain-name-servers; option broadcast-address 192.168.X.255; default-lease-time 20; max-lease-time 60; }
- Also uncomment the line:
- Tell DHCP which interface to use. Edit
and edit the line as follows:
- Enable packet forwarding between the wireless and wired networks. Edit
and edit the line as follows:
- To start and stop the DHCP service:
$ sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart $ sudo service isc-dhcp-server start $ sudo service isc-dhcp-server stop
Set a New "student" User on the Heron
The OEM vehicle has only the default user installed. Our lab adds the user student
with administrator access.
- Log in as the administrator
- Add a user with this command:
$ sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --group student
- Define the student password with this command:
$ sudo passwd student
- Add the user to the sudo list with
. Note that this command uses vi-style editing:
$ sudo /usr/sbin/visudo
- In the section labeled
# User privilege specification
, add the following line:
student ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
- Copy the
files from the administrator user account (assuming you are still logged in as the administrator user):
$ sudo cp ~/.bashrc /home/student/ $ sudo cp ~/.profile /home/student/
- Exit the terminal and re-login as the student user.