Kingfisher M200 Radio setup

The wifi radio onboard the M200 is a Ubiquiti XR2. The XR2 is a card inserted into the computer.

Connecting to the M200 As delivered from Clearpath, the ethernet port in the payload bay has an IP address of and must be connected directly to a PC as described in the manual.

If the M200 unit has already been modified to connect with the wifi network at the Pavilion, then the ethernet port in the payload bay has an IP address as described on the IP Addresses? page and will connect directly to the lab's router.

To log in, use any administrator account. The OEM account described in the manual provides a valid name and password. Login from a remote machine:

$ ssh admin_name@vehicleIP

iwconfig The Linux command iwconfig is used to poll the device status or to change the values. Enter man iwconfig or visit this page for full command description.

OEM Configuration Out of the box, iwconfig reported the following settings for the wireless card:

          @@wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:off/any  
          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=27 dBm   
          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Power Management:off

Manually Commanding the Vessel has best performance if logged into the vehicle:

To see that the vessel is outputting the various sensor strings in a stream enter this at the command line: $ nc localhost 29500

To actuate the vessel it is easiest to pipe the output to null so that the only thing visible is your commanded messages at the command line: $ nc localhost 29500 >/dev/null

At the end of any of the * in the following messages you must press the buttons 'CTRL-V' 'ENTER' 'ENTER' for the command strings to be properly processed by the robot.




If you would like to see that the robot properly parses your commanded strings, in another terminal window, use rostopic. Each rostopic corresponds to a specific command. cmd_helm for PYDEP. cmd_yawspd for PYDEV. cmd_drive for PYDIR.

$ rostopic echo /cmd_helm

$ rostopic echo /cmd_yawspd

$ rostopic echo /cmd_drive

eth0 IP wlan0 IP