MIT 2.680, Spring 2024 - Schedule

Schedule subject to change, especially post Spring Break scheduling

T: Feb 06Lecture 1: Introduction to the ClassLab 1: Getting started w/ Lab Machines
R: Feb 08Lecture 2: Marine Robotics ApplicationsLab 2: Gnu/Linux, C++ Crash Course
T: Feb 13Snow DaySnow Day
R: Feb 15Lecture 3: The MOOS Autonomy MiddlewareLab 3: MOOS Basics
T: Feb 20No Class
R: Feb 22Lecture 4: Programming in MOOSLab 4: Writing MOOS Applications
T: Feb 27Lecture 5: More Programming in MOOS
Lecture 6: Introduction to Marine Autonomy
Lab 5: Introduction to Marine Autonomy
R: Feb 29Extra lab timeLab 5: (continued)
Lab 6: (prelab)
T: Mar 05Lecture 7: Multi-Vehicle MissionsLab 6: Multi-Vehicle Operations
R: Mar 07Extra Lab TimeLab 6: (cont)
T: Mar 12Lecture 8: Intro to IvP Helm and BehaviorsLab 7: Distributed TSP
R: Mar 14Lecture 10: Lab 7 Debugging TipsLab 7: Distributed Traveling Salesman
T: Mar 19Lecture 9: A Deeper Dive into Helm BehaviorsLab 7: (cont)
Lab 8: Multi-Machine TSP / Replanning
R: Mar 21Extra lab timeLab 8: Multi-Machine TSP / Replanning
T: Apr 02Lecture 11: Inter-vehicle MessagingLab 9: Constrained Inter-Vehicle Messaging
R: Apr 04Extra Lab TimeLab 9: (cont)
@Pavlab All Classes Moved to the MIT Pavilion Hereafter @Pavlab
T: Apr 09Extra Lab TimeLab 11: Payload Autonomy In the Lab
R: Apr 11Lecture 12: Intro to Behavior AuthoringLab 10: Introduction to Behavior Writing
T: Apr 16Extra lab timeLab 12: Payload Autonomy on an M300 Heron USV
R: Apr 18Extra lab timeLab 13: Autonomous Rescue (Pt1)
T: Apr 23Lecture 13: OptimizationLab 14: Autonomous Rescue (Pt2)
R: Apr 25Extra Lab Time@13-1510 Lab 15: Autonomous Rescue (Pt3)
T: Apr 30Extra Lab TimeLab 16: Autonomous Rescue (Pt4)
R: May 02Extra Lab TimeLab 17: Autonomous Rescue (Pt5)
T: May 07Extra Lab TimeLab 17: (cont)
R: May 09Extra Lab TimeLab 17: (cont)
T: May 14Extra Lab TimeLab 18: (Final Competition)