The CCLNet08 Cruise

Palmaria Island,
Golfo di La Spezia
Jan. 2008
Research Vessel
CRV Leonardo
Chief Scientist
Prof. Henrik Schmidt (on sabbatical leave at NURC)
CCLNet08 was an engineering cruise in preparation for the major Glint08 experiment (GLINT: Generic Littoral Interoperable Network technology), specifically in regard to the testing of the unified MOOS-IvP Communication, Command and Control infrastructure. Other objectives concerned the demonsration of autonomous collission avoidannce and track-and-trail behaviors.
Experiment Assets
The NURC OEX with a towed SLITA array was used as bistatic receiver platform for seabed target scattering experiments. MIT LAMSS deployed two Scout ASC equipped with towed acoustic modems, and two additonal modems were deployed from the Leonardo for operating two virtual MOOS-IvP vehicles in the communication network. CCLNet08 was the first succesful demonstration of the concept of hybrid undersea networks of real and virtual vehicles, all operating the MOOS-IvP autonomy system.
The following movie shows the succesful trailing by two ASC of the submerged OEX while avoiding collision with CRV Leonardo and each other.