3   A Very Brief Overview of MOOS

3.1 Inter-process communication with Publish/Subscribe
3.2 Message Content
3.3 Mail Handling - Publish/Subscribe - in MOOS
     3.3.1 Publishing Data
     3.3.2 Registering for Notifications
     3.3.3 Reading Mail
3.4 Overloaded Functions in MOOS Applications
     3.4.1 The Iterate() Method
     3.4.2 The OnNewMail() Method
     3.4.3 The OnStartUp() Method
3.5 MOOS Mission Configuration Files
3.6 Launching Groups of MOOS Applications with Antler
3.7 Scoping and Poking the MOOSDB
3.8 A Simple MOOS Application - pXRelay
     3.8.1 Finding and Launching the pXRelay Example
     3.8.2 Scoping the pXRelay Example with uXMS
     3.8.3 Seeding the pXRelay Example with the uPokeDB Tool
     3.8.4 The pXRelay Example MOOS Configuration File
     3.8.5 Suggestions for Further Things to Try with this Example
3.9 MOOS Applications Available to the Public
     3.9.1 MOOS Modules from Oxford
     3.9.2 Mission Monitoring Modules
     3.9.3 Mission Execution Modules
     3.9.4 Mission Simulation Modules
     3.9.5 Modules for Poking the MOOSDB
     3.9.6 The Alog Toolbox
     3.9.7 The uField Toolbox

MOOS is often described as autonomy middleware which implies that it is a kind of glue that connects a collection of applications where the real work happens. MOOS does indeed connect a collection of applications, of which the IvP Helm is one. MOOS is cross platform stand-alone and dependency free. It needs no other third-party libraries. Each application inherits a generic MOOS interface whose implementation provides a powerful, easy-to-use means of communicating with other applications and controlling the relative frequency at which the application executes its primary set of functions. Due to its combination of ease-of-use, general extendibility and reliability, it has been used in the classroom by students with no prior experience, as well as on many extended field exercises with substantial robotic resources at stake. To frame the later discussion of the IvP Helm, the basic issues regarding MOOS applications are introduced here. For further information on the original design of MOOS see [8].

3.1   Inter-process communication with Publish/Subscribe    [top]

MOOS has a star-like topology as depicted in Figure 2.3. Application within a MOOS community (a MOOSApp) have a connection to a single MOOS Database (called MOOSDB) lying at the heart of the software suite. All communication happens via this central server application. The network has the following properties:

  • No peer-to-peer communication.
  • Communication between the client and server is initiated by the client, i.e., the MOOSDB never makes a unsolicited attempt to contact a MOOSApp from out of the blue
  • Each client has a unique name.
  • A given client need have no knowledge of what other clients exist.
  • One client does not transmit data to another - it can only be sent to the MOOSDB and from there to other clients. Modern versions of the library sport a sub-one millisecond latency when transporting multi-MB payloads between processes.
  • The star network can be distributed over any number of machines running any combination of supported operating systems.
  • The communications layer supports clock synchronization across all connected clients and in the same vein, can support "time acceleration" whereby all connected clients operate in an accelerated time stream - something that is very useful in simulations involving many processes distributed over many machines.
  • data can be sent in small bites as "string" or "double" packets or in arbitrarily large binary packets.

3.2   Message Content    [top]

The communications API in MOOS allows data to be transmitted between the MOOSDB and a client. The meaning of that data is dependent on the role of the client. However the form of that data is not constrained by MOOS although for the sake on convenience MOOS does offer bespoke support for small "double" and string payloads. (Note that very early versions of MOOS only allowed data to be sent as strings or doubles - but this restriction is now long gone.) Data is packed into messages which contain other salient information shown in Table 3.1.

NameThe name of the data
String ValueData in string format
Double ValueNumeric double float data
SourceName of client that sent this data to the MOOSDB
AuxiliarySupplemental message information, e.g., IvP behavior source
TimeTime at which the data was written
Data TypeType of data (STRING or DOUBLE or BINARY)
Message TypeType of Message (usually NOTIFICATION)
Source CommunityThe community to which the source process belongs

Table 3.1: The contents of MOOS message.

    Often it is convenient to send data in string format for example the string "Type=EST,Name=AUV,Pos=[3x1]{3.4,6.3,0.2"} might describe the position estimate of a vehicle called "AUV" as a 3x1 column vector. This is human readable and does not require the sharing and synchronizing of header files to ensure both sender and recipient understand how to interpret data (as is the case with binary data). It is quite common for MOOS applications to communicate with string data in a concatenation of comma separated "name=value" pairs.

  • Strings are human readable.
  • All data becomes the same type.
  • Logging files are human readable (they can be compressed for storage).
  • Replaying a log file is simply a case of reading strings from a file and "throwing" them back at the MOOSDB in time order.
  • The contents and internal order of strings transmitted by an application can be changed without the need to recompile consumers (subscribers to that data) - users simply would not understand new data fields but they would not crash.

The above are well understood benefits of sending self-explanatory ASCII data. However many applications use data types which do not lend themselves to verbose serialization to strings --- think for example about camera image data being generated at 40Hz in full colour. At this point the need to send binary data is clear and of course MOOS supports it transparently (and the application pLogger supports logging and replaying it).

    At this point it is up to the user to ensure that the binary data can be interpreted by all clients and that any and all perturbations to the data structures are distributed and compiled into each and every client. It is here that modern serialization tools such as "Google Protocol Buffers" find application. They offer a seamless way to serialize complex data structures into binary streams. Crucially they offer forward compatibility -- it is possible to update and augment data structures with new fields in the comforting knowledge that all existing apps will still be able to interpret the data - they just won't parse the new additions.

3.3   Mail Handling - Publish/Subscribe - in MOOS    [top]

Each MOOS application is a client having a connection to the MOOSDB. This connection is made on the client side and the client manages a threaded machinery that coordinates the communication with the MOOSDB. This completely hides the intricacies and timings of the communications from the rest of the application and provides a small, well defined set of methods to handle data transfer. The application can:

  1. Publish data - issue a notification on named data.
  2. Register for notifications on named data.
  3. Collect notifications on named data - reading mail.

3.3.1   Publishing Data    [top]

Data is published as a pair - a variable and value - that constitute the heart of a MOOS message described in Table 3.1. The client invokes the Notify(VarName, VarValue) command where appropriate in the client code. The above command is implemented both for string, double and binary values, and the rest of the fields described in Table 3.1 are filled in automatically. Each notification results in another entry in the client's "outbox", which in older versions of MOOS, is emptied the next time the MOOSDB accepts an incoming call from the client or in recent versions, is pushed instantaneously to all interested clients.

3.3.2   Registering for Notifications    [top]

Assume that a list of names of data published has been provided by the author of a particular MOOS application. For example, a application that interfaces to a GPS sensor may publish data called GPS_X and GPS_Y. A different application may register its interest in this data by subscribing or registering for it. An application can register for notifications using a single method Register() specifying both the name of the data and the maximum rate at which the client would like to be informed that the data has been changed. The latter parameter is specified in terms of the minimum possible time between notifications for a named variable. For example setting it to zero would result in the client receiving each and every change notification issued on that variable. MOOS V10 and later also supports "wildcard" subscriptions. For example a client can register for "*:*" to receive all messages from all other clients. Or "GPS_*:?NAV" to receive messages beginning with "GPS_" from any process with a four letter name ending in "NAV".

3.3.3   Reading Mail    [top]

A client can enquire at any time whether it has received any new notifications from the MOOSDB by invoking the Fetch method. The function fills in a list of notification messages with the fields given in Table 3.1. Note that a single call to Fetch may result in being presented with several notifications corresponding to the same named data. This implies that several changes were made to the data since the last client-server conversation. However, the time difference between these similar messages will never be less than that specified in the Register() function described above. In typical applications the Fetch command is called on the client's behalf just prior to the Iterate() method, and the messages are handled in the user overloaded OnNewMail() method.

3.4   Overloaded Functions in MOOS Applications    [top]

MOOS provides a base class called CMOOSApp which simplifies the writing of a new MOOS application as a derived subclass. Beneath the hood of the CMOOSApp class is a loop which repetitively calls a function called Iterate() which by default does nothing. One of the jobs as a writer of a new MOOS-enabled application is to flesh this function out with the code that makes the application do what we want. Behind the scenes this overall loop in CMOOSApp is also checking to see if new data has been delivered to the application. If it has, another virtual function, OnNewMail(), is called. This is the function within which code is written to process the newly delivered data.

Figure 3.1: Key virtual functions of the MOOS application base class: The flow of execution once Run() has been called on a class derived from CMOOSApp . The scrolls indicate where users of the functionality of CMOOSApp will be writing new code that implements whatever it is that is wanted from the new applications. Note that it is not the case (as the above may suggest) that mail is polled for - in modern incantations of MOOS it is pushed to a client a synchronously OnNewMail() is called as soon as Iterate() is not running.

    The roles of the three virtual functions in Figure 3.1 are discussed below. The pHelmIvP application does indeed inherit from CMOOSApp and overload these functions. The base class contains other virtual functions (OnConnectToServer() and OnDisconnectFromServer()) discussed in [8].

3.4.1   The Iterate() Method    [top]

By overriding the CMOOSApp::Iterate() function in a new derived class, the author creates a function from which the work that the application is tasked with doing can be orchestrated. In the pHelmIvP application, this method will consider the next best vehicle decision, typically in the form of deciding values for the vehicle heading, speed and depth. The rate at which Iterate() is called by the SetAppFreq() method or by specifying the AppTick parameter in a mission file. Note that the requested frequency specifies the maximum frequency at which Iterate() will be called - it does not guarantee that it will be called at the requested rate. For example if you write code in Iterate() that takes 1 second to complete there is no way that this method can be called at more than 1Hz. If you want to call Iterate() as fast as is possible simply request a frequency of zero - but you may want to reconsider why you need such a greedy application.

3.4.2   The OnNewMail() Method    [top]

Just before Iterate() is called, the CMOOSApp base class determines whether new mail is present, i.e., whether some other process has posted data for which the client has previously registered, as described above. If new mail is waiting, the CMOOSApp base class calls the OnNewMail() virtual function, typically overloaded by the application. The mail arrives in the form of a list of CMOOSMsg objects (see Table 3.1). The programmer is free to iterate over this collection examining who sent the data, what it pertains to, how old it is, whether or not it is string or numerical data and to act on or process the data accordingly. In recent versions of MOOS it is possible to have OnNewMail() called in a directly and rapidly in response to new mail being received by the back-end communications threads. This architecture allows for very rapid response times (sub ms) between a client posting data and it being received and handled by all interested parties.

3.4.3   The OnStartUp() Method    [top]

The OnStartUp() function is called just before the application enters into its own forever-loop depicted in Figure 3.1. This is the application that implements the application's initialization code, and in particular reads configuration parameters (including those that modify the default behavior of the CMOOSApp base class) from a file.

3.5   MOOS Mission Configuration Files    [top]

Every MOOS process can read configuration parameters from a mission file which by convention has a .moos extension. Traditionally MOOS processes share the same mission file to the maximum extent possible. For example, it is customary for there to be one common mission file for all MOOS processes running on a given machine. Every MOOS process has information contained in a configuration block within a *.moos file. The block begins with the statement

    ProcessConfig = ProcessName 

where ProcessName is the unique name the application will use when connecting to the MOOSDB. The configuration block is delimited by braces. Within the braces there is a collection of parameter statements, one per line. Each statement is written as:

    ParameterName = value 

where value can be any string or numeric value. All applications deriving from CMOOSApp inherit several important configuration options. The most important options for CMOOSApp derived applications are CommsTick and AppTick. The former configures how often the communications thread talks to the MOOSDB and the latter how often (approximately) Iterate() will be called.

    Parameters may also be defined at the "global" level, i.e., not in any particular process' configuration block. Three parameters that are mandatory and typically found at the top of all *.moos files are: ServerHost naming the IP address associated with the MOOSDB server being launched with this file, ServerPort naming the port number over which the MOOSDB server is communicating with clients, and Community naming the community comprising the server and clients. An example is shown in lines 1-3 in Listing 3.4.

3.6   Launching Groups of MOOS Applications with Antler    [top]

Antler provides a simple and compact way to start a MOOS mission comprised of several MOOS processes, a.k.a., a MOOS community. For example if the desired mission file is alpha.moos then executing the following from a terminal shell:

    $ cd moos-ivp/ivp/missions/s1_alpha
    $ pAntler alpha.moos 

will launch the required processes for the mission. It reads from its configuration block (which is declared as ProcessConfig=ANTLER) a list of process names that will constitute the MOOS community. Each process to be launched is specified with a line with the general syntax

where LaunchConfiguration is an optional comma-separated list of parameter=value pairs which collectively control how the process procname (for example pHelmIvP, or pLogger or MOOSDB) is launched. Exactly what parameters can be specified is outside the scope of this discussion. Antler looks through its entire configuration block and launches one process for every line which begins with the RUN= left-hand side. When all processes have been launched Antler waits for all of them to exit and then quits itself.

    There are many more aspects of Antler not discussed here but can be found in the Antler documentation at the MOOS web site (see Section 1.3). These include hooks for altering the console appearance for each launched process, controlling the search path for specifying how executables are located on the host file system, passing parameters to launched processes, running multiple instances of a particular process, and using Antler to launch multiple distinct communities on a network.

3.7   Scoping and Poking the MOOSDB    [top]

An important tool for writing and debugging MOOS applications (and IvP Helm behaviors) is the ability for the user to interact with an active MOOS community and see the current values of particular MOOS variables (scoping the DB) and to alter one or more variables with a desired value (poking the DB). Below are listed tools for scoping and poking respectively. More information on each can be found on the Oxford or MIT web sites, or in in some instances, other parts of this document.

Tools for scoping the MOOSDB:

  • uMS - A GUI-based tool written in FLTK and maintained and distributed from the Oxford website.
  • uXMS - A terminal-based tool maintained and distributed from the MIT website
  • uHelmScope - A terminal-based tool specialized for displaying information about a running instance of the helm, but it also contains a general-purpose scoping utility similar to uXMS. Distributed from the MIT website.

Tools for poking the MOOSDB:

  • uMS - The GUI-based tool for scoping, listed above, also provides a means for poking. Distributed from the Oxford website.
  • uPokeDB - A light-weight command-line tool for poking one or more variable-value pairs, with the option of scoping on the before and after values of the poked variable before exiting. Distributed from the MIT website.
  • pMarineViewer - A GUI-based tool primarily used for rendering the paths of vehicles in 2D space on a Geo display, but also can be configured to poke the DB with variable-value pairs connected to buttons on the display. Distributed from the MIT website.
  • uTimerScript - Allows the user to script a set of pre-configured pokes to a MOOSDB with each entry in the script happening after a speci- fied amount of time. Script may be paused or fast-forwarded. Events may also be configured with random values and happen randomly in a chosen window of time. Distributed from the MIT website.
  • uTermCommand - A terminal-based tool for poking the DB with pre-defined variable-value pairs. The user can configure the tool to associate aliases (as short as a single character) to quickly poke the DB. Distributed from the MIT website.
  • iRemote - A terminal-based tool for remote control of a robotic platform running MOOS. It can be configured to associate a pre-defined variable-value poke with any un-mapped key on the keyboard. Distributed from the Oxford website.

The above list is almost certainly not a complete list for scoping and poking a MOOSDB, but it's a decent start.

3.8   A Simple MOOS Application - pXRelay    [top]

The bundle of applications distributed from www.moos-ivp.org contains a very simple MOOS application called pXRelay. The pXRelay application registers for a single ``input MOOS variable and publishes a single ``output MOOS variable. It makes a single publication on the output variable for each mail message received on the input variable. The value published is simply a counter representing the number of times the variable has been published. By running two (differently named) versions of pXRelay with complementary input/output variables, the two processes will perpetuate some basic publish/subscribe handshaking. This application is distributed primarily as a simple example of a MOOS application that allows for some illustration of the following topics introduced up to this point:

  • Finding and launching with pAntler example code distributed with the MOOS-IvP software bundle.
  • An example mission configuration file.
  • Scoping variables on a running MOOSDB with the uXMS tool.
  • Poking the MOOSDB with variable-value pairs using the uPokeDB tool.
  • Illustrating the OnStartUp(), OnNewMail(), and Iterate() overloaded functions of the CMOOSApp base class.

Besides touching on these topics, the collection of files in the pXRelay source code sub-directory is not a bad template from which to build your own modules.

3.8.1   Finding and Launching the pXRelay Example    [top]

The pXRelay example mission should be in the same directory tree containing the source code. There is a single mission file, xrelay.moos:

                xrelay.moos    <---- The MOOS file

To run this mission from a terminal window, simply change directories and launch:

   $ cd moos-ivp/ivp/missions/xrelay
   $ pAntler xrelay.moos

    After pAntler has launched each process, there should be four open terminal windows, one for each pXRelay process, one for uXMS, and one for the MOOSDB itself.

3.8.2   Scoping the pXRelay Example with uXMS    [top]

Among the four windows launched in the example, the window to watch is the uXMS window, which should have output similar to the following (minus the line numbers):

Listing 3.1 - Example uXMS output after the pXRelay example is launched.

  0   VarName            (S)ource       (T)ime     (C)ommunity  VarValue
  1   ----------------   ----------     ---------  ----------   ----------- (73)
  2   APPLES              n/a             n/a       n/a          n/a
  3   PEARS               n/a             n/a       n/a          n/a
  4   APPLES_ITER_HZ      pXRelay_APPLES 14.93     xrelay       24.93561
  5   PEARS_ITER_HZ       pXRelay_PEARS  14.94     xrelay       24.93683
  6   APPLES_POST_HZ      n/a             n/a       n/a          n/a
  7   PEARS_POST_HZ       n/a             n/a       n/a          n/a

    Initially the only thing that is changing in this window is the integer at the end of line 1 representing the number of updates written to the terminal. Here uXMS is configured to scope on the six variables shown in the VarName column. Column 2 shows which process last posted on the variable, column 3 shows when the last posting occurred, column 4 shows the community name from which the post originated, and column 5 shows the current value of the variable. The "n/a" entries indicate that a process has yet to write to the given variable. For further info on the workings of uXMS see [1], or type 'h' to see the help menu.

    There are two pXRelay processes running - one under the alias pXRelay_APPLES publishing the variable APPLES as its output variable, APPLES_ITER_HZ indicating the frequency in which the Iterate() function is executed, and APPLES_POST_HZ indicating the frequency at which the output variable is posted. There is likewise a pXRelay_PEARS process and the corresponding output variables.

3.8.3   Seeding the pXRelay Example with the uPokeDB Tool    [top]

Upon launching the pXRelay example, the only variables actively changing are the *_ITER_HZ variables (lines 4-5 in Listing 3.1) which confirm that the Iterate() loop in each process is indeed being executed. The output for the other variables in Listing 3.1 reflect the fact that the two processes have not yet begun handshaking. This can be kicked off by poking the APPLES (or PEARS) variable, which is the input variable for pXRelay_PEARS, by typing the following:

  $ cd moos-ivp/ivp/missions/xrelay
  $ uPokeDB xrelay.moos APPLES=1

The uPokeDB tool will publish to the MOOSDB the given variable-value pair APPLES=1. It also takes as an argument the mission file, xrelay.moos, to read information on where the MOOSDB is running in terms of machine name and port number. The output should look similar to the following:

Listing 3.2 - Example uPokeDB output after poking the MOOSDB with APPLES=1.

  0  PRIOR to Poking the MOOSDB 
  1    VarName               (S)ource      (T)ime       VarValue
  2    ----------------      ----------    ----------   -------------
  3    APPLES                 
  6  AFTER Poking the MOOSDB 
  7    VarName               (S)ource      (T)ime       VarValue
  8    ----------------      ----------    ----------   -------------
  9    APPLES                uPokeDB       40.19        1.00000"

The output of uPokeDB first shows the value of the variable prior to the poke, and then the value afterwards. Further information on the uPokeDB tool can be found in [1]. Once the MOOSDB has been poked as above, the pXRelay_PEARS application will receive this mail and, in return, will write to its output variable PEARS, which in turn will be read by pXRelay_APPLES and the two processes will continue thereafter to write and read their input and output variables. This progression can be observed in the uXMS terminal, which may look something like that shown in Listing 3.3:

Listing 3.3 - Example uXMS output after the pXRelay example is seeded.

  0   VarName           (S)ource         (T)ime    (C)ommunity   VarValue
  1   ----------------   ----------      --------  ----------    ----------- (221)
  2   APPLES             pXRelay_APPLES  44.78     xrelay        151
  3   PEARS              pXRelay_PEARS   44.74     xrelay        151
  4   APPLES_ITER_HZ     pXRelay_APPLES  44.7      xrelay        24.90495
  5   PEARS_ITER_HZ      pXRelay_PEARS   44.7      xrelay        24.90427
  6   APPLES_POST_HZ     pXRelay_APPLES  44.79     xrelay        8.36411
  7   PEARS_POST_HZ      pXRelay_PEARS   44.74     xrelay        8.36406

Upon each write to the MOOSDB the value of the variable is incremented by 1, and the integer progression can be monitored in the last column on lines 2-3. The APPLES_POST_HZ and PEARS_POST_HZ variables represent the frequency at which the process makes a post to the MOOSDB. This of course is different than (but bounded above by) the frequency of the Iterate() loop since a post is made within the Iterate() loop only if mail had been received prior to the outset of the loop. In a world with no latency, one might expect the "post" frequency to be exactly half of the "iterate" frequency. We would expect the frequency reported on lines 6-7 to be no greater than 12.5, and in this case values of about 8.4 are observed instead.

3.8.4   The pXRelay Example MOOS Configuration File    [top]

The mission file used for the pXRelay example, xrelay.moos is discussed here. This file is provided as part of the MOOS-IvP software bundle under the "missions" directory as discussed above in Section 3.8.1. It is discussed here in three parts in Listings 3.4 through 3.6 below.

    The part of the xrelay.moos file provides three mandatory pieces of information needed by the MOOSDB process for launching. The MOOSDB is a server and on line 1 is the IP address for the machine, and line 2 indicates the port number where clients can expect to find the MOOSDB once it has been launched. Since each MOOSDB and the set of connected clients form a MOOS "community", the community name is provided on line 3. Note the xrelay community name in the xrelay.moos file and the community name in column 4 of the uXMS output in Listing 3.1 above.

Listing 3.4 - The xrelay.moos mission file for the pXRelay example.

   1  ServerHost = localhost
   2  ServerPort = 9000
   3  Community  = xrelay
   5  //------------------------------------------
   6  // Antler configuration  block
   7  ProcessConfig = ANTLER
   8  {
   9    MSBetweenLaunches = 200
  11    Run = MOOSDB	 @ NewConsole = true
  12    Run = pXRelay	 @ NewConsole = true ~ pXRelay_PEARS
  13    Run = pXRelay	 @ NewConsole = true ~ pXRelay_APPLES
  14    Run = uXMS	 @ NewConsole = true
  15  }

    The configuration block in lines 7-15 of xrelay.moos is read by the pAntler for launching the processes or clients of the MOOS community. Line 9 specifies how much time, in milliseconds, between the launching of processes. Lines 11-14 name the four MOOS applications launched in this example. On these lines, the component "NewConsole = true" determines whether a new console window will be opened for each process. Try changing them to false - only the uXMS window really needs to be open. The others merely provide a visual confirmation that a process has been launched. The {\small "\verb=~ pXRelay_PEARS="} component of lines 12 and 13 tell pAntler to launch these applications with the given alias. This is required here since each MOOS client needs to have a unique name, and in this example two instances of the pXRelay process are being launched.

    In lines 17-39 in Listing 3.5-B below, the two pXRelay applications are configured. Note that the argument to ProcessConfig on lines 20 and 32 is the alias for pXRelay specified in the Antler configuration block on lines 12 and 13. Each pXRelay process is configured such that its incoming and outgoing MOOS variables complement one another on lines 25-26 and 37-38. Note the AppTick parameter (see Section 3.4.1) is set to 25 in both configuration blocks, and compare with the observed frequency of the Iterate() function reported in the variables APPLES_ITER_HZ and PEARS_ITER_HZ in Listing 3.1. MOOS has done a pretty faithful job in this example of honoring the requested frequency of the Iterate() loop in each application.

Listing 3.5 - The xrelay.moos mission file - configuring the pXRelay processes.

  17  //------------------------------------------
  18  // pXRelay config block
  20  ProcessConfig = pXRelay_APPLES
  21  {
  22    AppTick       = 25
  23    CommsTick     = 25
  27  }
  29  //------------------------------------------
  30  // pXRelay config block
  32  ProcessConfig = pXRelay_PEARS
  33  {
  34    AppTick       = 25
  35    CommsTick     = 25
  39  }

    In the last portion of the xrelay.moos file, shown in Listing 3.6-C below, the uXMS process is configured. In this example, uXMS is configured to scope on the six variables specified on lines 54-59 to give the output shown in Listings 3.1 and 3.3. By setting the paused parameter on line 49 to false, the output of uXMS is continuously and automatically updated - in this case four times per second due to the rate of 4Hz specified in lines 46-47. The display_* parameters in lines 50-52 ensure that the output in columns 2-4 of the uXMS output is expanded. See [1] for further ways to configure the uXMS tool.

Listing 3.6 - Configuring uXMS in the pXRelay example.

  41  //------------------------------------------
  42  // uXMS config block
  44  ProcessConfig = uXMS
  45  {
  46    AppTick    = 4
  47    CommsTick  = 4
  49    paused            = false
  50    display_source    = true
  51    display_time      = true
  52    display_community = true
  54    var  = APPLES
  55    var  = PEARS
  56    var  = APPLES_ITER_HZ
  57    var  = PEARS_ITER_HZ
  58    var  = APPLES_POST_HZ
  59    var  = PEARS_POST_HZ
  60  }

3.8.5   Suggestions for Further Things to Try with this Example    [top]

  • Take a look at the OnStartUp() method in the XRelay.cpp class in the pXRelay module in the software bundle to see how the handling of parameters in the xrelay.moos configuration file are implemented, and the subscription for a MOOS variable.
  • Take a look at the OnNewMail() method in the XRelay.cpp class in the pXRelay module in the software bundle to see how incoming mail is parsed and handled.
  • Take a look at the Iterate() method in the XRelay.cpp class in the pXRelay module in the software bundle to see an example of a MOOS process that acts upon incoming mail and conditionally posts to the MOOSDB
  • Try changing the AppTick parameter in one of the pXRelay configuration blocks in the xrelay.moos file, re-start, and note the resulting change in the iteration and post frequencies in the uXMS output.
  • Try changing the CommsTick parameter in one of the pXRelay configuration blocks in the xrelay.moos file to something much lower than the AppTick parameter, re-start, and note the resulting change in the iteration and post frequencies in the uXMS output.

3.9   MOOS Applications Available to the Public    [top]

Below are very brief descriptions of MOOS applications in the public domain. This is by no means a complete list. It does not include applications outside MIT and Oxford, and it is not even a complete list of applications from those organizations. For a more in-depth tour of MOOS applications, see [1].

3.9.1   MOOS Modules from Oxford    [top]

  • pAntler: A tool for launching a collection of MOOS processes given a mission file. See [8], [53].
  • pShare: A tool that allows messages to pass between communities and allows for the renaming of messages as they are shuffled between communities. See [53].
  • pLogger: A logger for recording the activities of a MOOS session. It can be configured to record a fraction of, or all publications of any number of MOOS variables. See [53].
  • pScheduler: A simple tool for generating and responding to messages sent to the MOOSDB by processes in a MOOS community. See [53].
  • uMS: A GUI-Based MOOS scope for monitoring one or more MOOSDBs. See [53].
  • uPlayback: An FLTK-based, cross platform GUI application that can load in log files and replay them into a MOOS community as though the originators of the data were really running and issuing notifications. See [53].
  • iMatlab: An application that allows Matlab to join a MOOS community - even if only for listening in and rendering sensor data. It allows connection to the MOOSDB and access to local serial ports. See [53].
  • iRemote: A terminal-based tool for remote control of a robotic platform running MOOS. It can be configured to associate a pre-defined variable-value poke with any un-mapped key on the keyboard. See [53].
  • uMVS: A multi-vehicle AUV simulator, capable of simulating any number of vehicles and acoustic ranging between them and acoustic transponders. The vehicle simulation incorporates a full 6 D.O.F vehicle model replete with vehicle dynamics, center of buoyancy / center of gravity geometry, and velocity dependent drag. The acoustic simulation is also fairly smart. It simulates acoustic packets propagating as spherical shells through the water column. See [53].

3.9.2   Mission Monitoring Modules    [top]

Mission monitoring modules aid the user in either keeping a high-level tab on the mission as it unfolds, or help the user analyze and debug a mission. In release 13.2 this includes two powerful new tools for appcast monitoring, uMAC and uMACView. The pMarineViewer has also been substantially augmented to support appcast viewing.

  • pMarineViewer: GUI tool for rendering events in an area of vehicle operation. It repeatedly updates vehicle positions from incoming node reports, and will render several geometric types published from other MOOS apps. The viewer may also post messages to the MOOSDB based on user-configured keyboard or mouse events. See the online documentation for pMarineViewer, [41].
  • uHelmScope: A terminal-based (non-GUI) scope onto a running IvP Helm process, and key MOOS variables. It provides behavior summaries, activity states, and recent behavior postings to the MOOSDB. A very useful tool for debugging helm anomalies. See the documenation for uHelmScope, [29].
  • uXMS: A terminal-based (non GUI) tool for scoping a MOOSDB Users may precisely configure the set of variables they wish to scope on by naming them explicitly on the command line or in the MOOS configuration block. The variable set may also be configured by naming one or more MOOS proceses on which all variables published by those processes will be scoped. Users may also scope on the history of a single variable. See the documentation for uXMS, [49].
  • uProcessWatch: This application monitors the presence of MOOS apps on a watch-list. If one or more are noted to be absent, it will be so noted on the MOOS variable PROC_WATCH_SUMMARY. uProcessWatch is appcast-enabled and will produce a succinct table summary of watched processes and the CPU load reported by the processes themselves. The items on the watch list may be named explicitly in the config file or inferred from the Antler block or from list of DB_CLIENTS. An application may be excluded from the watch list if desired. See the documentation for uProcessWatch, [52].
  • uMAC: The uMAC application is a utility for Monitoring AppCasts. It is launched and run in a terminal window and will parse appcasts generated within its own MOOS community or those from other MOOS communities bridged or shared to the local MOOSDB. The primary advantage of uMAC versus other appcast monitoring tools is that a user can remotely log into a vehicle via ssh and launch uMAC locally in a terminal. See the documentation for uMAC, [50].
  • uMACView: A GUI tool for visually monitoring appcasts. It will parse appcasts generated within its own MOOS community or those from other MOOS communities bridged or shared to the local MOOSDB. Its capability is nearly identical to the appcast viewing capability built into pMarineViewer. It was intended to be an appcast viewer for non-pMarineViewer users. See the documentation for uMACView, [51].

3.9.3   Mission Execution Modules    [top]

Mission execution modules participate directly in the proper execution of the mission rather than simply helping to monitor, plan or analyze the mission.

  • pNodeReporter: A tool for collecting node information such as present vehicle position, trajectory and type, and posting it in a single report for sharing between vehicles or sending to a shoreside display. See the documentation for pNodeReporter, [42].
  • pBasicContactMgr: The contact manager deals with other known vehicles in its vicinity. It handles incoming reports perhaps received via a sensor application or over a communications link. Minimally it posts summary reports to the MOOSDB, but may also be configured to post alerts with user-configured content about one or more of the contacts. May be used in conjunction with the helm to spawn contact-related behaviors for collision avoidance, tracking, etc. See the documentation for pBasicContactMgr, [43].
  • pEchoVar: A tool for subscribing for a variable and re-publishing it under a different name. It also may be used to pull out certain fields in string publications consisting of comma-separated parameter=value pairs, publishing the new string using different parameters. See the documentation for pEchoVar, [44].
  • pSearchGrid: An application for storing a history of vehicle positions in a 2D grid defined over a region of operation.

3.9.4   Mission Simulation Modules    [top]

Mission simulation modules are used only in simulation. Many of the applications in the uField Toolbox may also be considered simulation modules, but they also have a use case involving simulated sensors on actual physical vehicles. The two modules below are purely for simulated vehicles.

  • uSimMarine: A simple 3D vehicle simulator that updates vehicle state, position and trajectory, based on the present actuator values and prior vehicle state. Typical usage scenario has a single instance of uSimMarine associated with each simulated vehicle. See the documentation for uSimMarine, [45].
  • uSimCurrent: A simple application for simulating the effects of water current. Based on local current information from a given file, it repeately reads the vehicle's present position and publishes a drift vector, presumably consumed by uSimMarine.

3.9.5   Modules for Poking the MOOSDB    [top]

Poking the MOOSDB is a common and often essential part of mission execution and/or command and control. The pMarineViewer tool also contains several methods for poking the MOOSDB on user command.

  • uPokeDB: A command-line tool for poking a MOOSDB with variable-value pairs provided on the command line. It finds the MOOSDB via mission file provided on the command line, or the IP address and port number given on the command line. It will connect to the DB, show the value prior to poking, poke the DB, and wait for mail from the DB to confirm the result of the poke. See the documentation for uPokeDB, [46].
  • uTimerScript: Allows the user to script a set of pre-configured pokes to a MOOSDB with each entry in the script happening after a speci- fied amount of time. Script may be paused or fast-forwarded. Events may also be configured with random values and happen randomly in a chosen window of time. See the documentation for uTimerScript, [48].
  • uTermCommand: A terminal application for poking the MOOSDB with pre-defined variable-value pairs. A unique key may be associated with each poke. See the documentation for uTermCommand, [47].

3.9.6   The Alog Toolbox    [top]

The Alog Toolbox is set of offline tools for analyzing and manipulating alog files produces by the pLogger application distributed with the Oxford MOOS codebase.

  • alogscan: A command line tool for reporting the contents of a given MOOS .alog file. See the documentation for alogscan, part of the Alog Toolbox, [31].
  • alogclip: A command line tool that will create a new MOOS .alog file from a given .alog file by removing entries outside a given time window. See the documentation for alogclip, part of the Alog Toolbox, [39].
  • aloggrep: A command line tool that will create a new MOOS .alog file by retaining only the given MOOS variables or sources from a given .alog file. See the documentation for aloggrep, part of the Alog Toolbox, [30].
  • alogrm: A command line tool that will create a new MOOS .alog file by removing the given MOOS variables or sources from a given .alog file. See the documentation for alogrm, part of the Alog Toolbox, [40].
  • alogview: A GUI tool for analyzing a vehicle mission by plotting one or more vehicle trajectories on the operation area, while viewing a plot of any of the numerical values in the alog file(s). See the documentation for alogview, part of the Alog Toolbox, [28].

3.9.7   The uField Toolbox    [top]

The uField Toolbox contains a number of tools for supporting multi-vehicle missions where each vehicle is connected to a shoreside community. This includes both simulation and real field experiments. It also contains a number of simulated sensors that run on offboard the vehicle on the shoreside.

  • pHostInfo: Automatically detect the vehicle's host information including the IP addresses, port being used by the MOOSDB, the port being used by local pShare for UDP listening, and the community name for the local MOOSDB. Post these to facilitate automatic intervehicle communications in especially in multi-vehicle scenarios where the local IP address changes with DHCP.
  • uFldNodeBroker: Typically run on a vehicle or simulated vehicle in a multi-vehicle context. Used for making a connection to a shoreside community by sending local information about the vehicle such as the IP address, community name, and port number being used by pShare for incoming UDP messages. Presumably the shoreside community uses this to know where to send outgoing UDP messages to the vehicle. See the documentation for uFldNodeBroker, part of the uField Toolbox, [32].
  • uFldShoreBroker: Typically run in a shoreside community. Takes reports from remote vehicles describing how they may be reached. Posts registration requests to shoreside pShare to bridge user-provided list of variables out to vehicles. Upon learning of vehicle JAKE will create bridges FOO_ALL and FOO_JAKE to JAKE, for all such user-configured variables. See the documentation for uFldShoreBroker, part of the uField Toolbox, [33].
  • uFldNodeComms: A shoreside tool for managing communications between vehicles. It has knowledge of all vehicle positions based on incoming node reports. Communications may be limited based on vehicle range, frequency of messages, or size of message. Messages may also be blocked based on a team affiliation. See the documentation for uFldNodeComms, part of the uField Toolbox, [34].
  • uFldMessageHandler: A tool for handling incoming messages from other nodes. The message is a string that contains the source and destination of the message as well as the MOOS variable and value. This app simply posts to the local MOOSDB the variable-value pair contents of the message. See the documentation for uFldMessageHandler, part of the uField Toolbox, [35].
  • uFldScope: Typically run in a shoreside community. Takes information from user-configured set of incoming reports and parses out key information into a concise table format. Reports may be any report in the form of comma-separated parameter-value pairs.
  • uFldPathCheck: Typically run in a shoreside community. Takes node reports from remote vehicles and calculates the current vehicle speed and total distance travelled and posts them in two concise reports. Odometry tallies may be re-set to zero by other apps. See the documentation for uFldPathCheck, part of the uField Toolbox, [36].
  • uFldHazardSensor: Typically run in a shoreside community. Configured with a set objects with a given x,y location and classification (hazard or beningn). The sensor simulator receives a series of requests from a remote vehicle. When sensor determines that an object is is within the sensor field of a requesting vehicle, it may or may not return a sensor detection report for the object, and perhaps also a proper classification. The odds of receiving a detection and proper classification depend on the sensor configuration and the user's preference for P_D/P_FA on the prevailing ROC curve.
  • uFldHazardMetric: An application for grading incoming hazard reports, presumably generated by users of the uFldHazardSensor after exploring a simulated hazard field.
  • uFldHazardMgr: The uFldHazardMgr is a strawman MOOS app for managing hazard sensor information and generation of a hazard report over the course of an autonomous search mission.
  • uFldBeaconRangeSensor: Typically run in a shoreside community. Configured with one or more beacons with known beacon locations. Takes range requests from a remote vehicle and returns a range report indicating that vehicle's range to nearby beacons. Range requests may or may not be answered depending on range to beacon. Reports may have noise added and may or may not include beacon ID. See the documentation for uFldBeaconRangeSensor, part of the uField Toolbox, [37].
  • uFldContactRangeSensor: Typically run in a shoreside community. Takes reports from remote vehicles, notes their position. Takes a range request from a remote vehicle and returns a range report indicating that vehicle's range to nearby vehicles. Range requests may or may not be answered dependent on inter-vehicle range. Reports may also have noise added to their range values. See the documentation for uFldContactRangeSensor, part of the uField Toolbox, [38].

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