Design Considerations of MOOS-IvP
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1 Design Considerations of MOOS-IvP
1.1 Public Infrastructure - Layered Capabilities
1.2 Code Re-Use
1.3 The Backseat Driver Design Philosophy
1.4 The Publish-Subscribe Middleware Design Philosophy and MOOS
1.5 The Behavior-Based Control Design Philosophy and IvP Helm
1 Design Considerations of MOOS-IvP
The primary motivation in the design of MOOS-IvP is to build highly capable autonomous systems. Part of this picture includes doing so at a reduced short and long-term cost and a reduced time line. By "design" we mean both the choice in architectures and algorithms as well as the choice to make key modules for infrastructure, basic autonomy and advanced tools available to the public under an Open Source license. The MOOS-IvP software design is based on three architecture philosophies, (a) the backseat driver paradigm, (b) publish and subscribe autonomy middleware, and (c) behavior based autonomy. The common thread is the ability to separate the development of software for an overall system into distinct modules coordinated by infrastructure software made available to the public domain.

1.1 Public Infrastructure - Layered Capabilities [top]
The central architecture idea of both MOOS and IvP is the separation of overall capability into separate and distinct modules. The unique contributions of MOOS and IvP are the methods used to coordinate those modules. A second central idea is the decision to make algorithms and software modules for infrastructure, basic autonomy and advanced tools available to the public under an Open Source license. The idea is pictured in . There are three things in this picture - (a) modules that actually perform a function (the wedges), (b) modules that coordinate other modules (the center of the wheel), and (c) standard wrapper software use by each module to allow it to be coordinated (the spokes).

Figure 1.1: Public Infrastructure - Layered Capabilities: The center of the wheel represents MOOS-IvP Core. For MOOS this means the MOOSDB and the message passing and scheduling algorithms. For IvP this means the IvP helm behavior management and the multi-objective optimization solver. The wedges on the wheel represent individual modules - either MOOS processes or IvP behaviors. The spokes of the wheel represent the idea that each module inherits from a superclass to grab functionality key to plugging into the core. Each wedge or module contains a wrapper defined by the superclass that augments the function of the individual module. The darker wedges indicate publicly available modules and the lighter ones are modules added by users to augment the public set to comprise a particular fielded autonomy system.

The darker wedges in represent application modules (not infrastructure) that provide basic functionality and are publicly available. However, they do not hold any special immutable status. They can be replaced with a better version, or, since the source code is available, the code of the existing module can be changed or augmented to provide a better or different version (hopefully with a different name - see the section on branching below). Later sections provide an overview of about 40 or so particular modules that are currently available. By modules we mean MOOS applications and IvP behaviors and the above comments hold in either case. The yellow wedges in represent the imaginable unimplemented modules or functionality. A particular fielded MOOS-IvP autonomy system typically is comprised of (a) the MOOS-IvP core modules, (b) some of the publicly available MOOS applications and IvP behaviors, and (c) additional perhaps non-public MOOS applications and IvP behaviors provided by one or more third party developers.

The objective of the public-infrastructure/layered-capabilities idea is to strike an important balance - the balance between effective code re-use and the need for users to retain privacy regarding how they choose to augment the public codebase with modules of their own to realize a particular autonomy system. The benefits of code re-use are an important motivation in fundamental architecture decisions in both MOOS and IvP. The modules that comprise the public MOOS-IvP codebase described in this document represent over twenty work-years of development effort. Furthermore, certain core components of the codebase have had hundreds if not thousands of hours of usage on a dozen or so fielded platform types in a variety of situations. The issue of code re-use is discussed next.

1.2 Code Re-Use [top]
Code re-use is critical, and starts with the ability to have a system comprised of separate but coordinated modules. They key technical hurdle is to achieve module separation without invoking a substantial hit on performance. In short, MOOS middleware is a way of coordinating separate processes running on a single computer or over several networked computers. IvP is a way of coordinating several autonomy behaviors running within a single MOOS process.

Factors Contributing to Code Re-use:

- Freedom from proprietary issues. Software serving as infrastructure shared by all components (MOOS processes and IvP behaviors) are available under an Open Source license. In addition many mature MOOS and IvP modules providing commonly needed capabilities are also publicly available. Proprietary or non-publicly released code may certainly co-exist with non-proprietary public code to comprise a larger autonomy system. Such a system would retain a strategic edge over competitors if desired, but have a subset of components common with other users.
- Module independence. Maintaining or augmenting a system comprised of a set of distinct modules can begin to break down if modules are not independent with simple easy-to-augment interfaces. Compile dependencies between modules need to be minimized or eliminated. The maintenance of core software libraries and application code should be decoupled completely from the issues of 3rd party additional code.
- Simple well-documented interfaces. The effort required to add modules to the code base should be minimized. Documentation is needed for both (a) using the publicly available applications and libraries, and (b) guiding users in adding their own modules.
- Freedom to innovate. The infrastructure does not put undue restrictions on how basic problems can be solved. The infrastructure remains agnostic to techniques and algorithms used in the modules. No module is sacred and any module may be replaced.

Benefits of Code Re-Use:

- Diversity of contributors. Increasingly, an autonomy system contains many components that touch many areas of expertise. This would be true even for a vanilla use of a vehicle, but is compounded when considering the variety of sensors and missions and ways of exploiting sensors in achieving mission objectives. A system that allows for wide code re-use is also a system that allows module contributions from a wide set of developers or experts. This has a substantial impact on the issues mentioned below of lower cost, higher quality and reliability, and reduced development time line.
- Lower cost. One immediate benefit of code re-use is the avoidance of repeatedly re-inventing modules. A group can build capabilities incrementally and experts are free to concentrate on their area and develop only the modules that reflect their skill set and interests. Perhaps more important, code re-use gives the systems integrator choices in building a complete system from individual modules. Having choices leads to increased leverage in bargaining for favorable licensing terms or even non-proprietary terms for a new module. Favorable licensing terms arranged at the outset can lead to substantially lower long-term costs for future code maintenance or augmentation of software.
- Higher performance capability. Code re-use enhances performance capability in two ways. First, since experts are free to be experts without re-inventing the modules outside their expertise and provided by others, their own work is more likely to be more focused and efficient. They are likely to achieve a higher capability for a given a finite investment and given finite performance time. Second, since code re-use gives a systems integrator choices, this creates a meritocracy based on optimal performance-cost ratio of candidate software modules. The under-capable, more expensive module is less likely to diminish the overall autonomy capability if an alternative module is developed to offer a competitive choice. Survival of the fittest.
- Higher performance reliability. An important part of system reliability is testing. The more testing time and the greater diversity of testing scenarios the better. And of course the more time spent testing on physical vehicles versus simulation the better. By making core components of a codebase public and permitting re-use by a community of users, that community provides back an enormous service by simply using the software and complaining when or if something goes wrong. Certain core components of the MOOS-IvP codebase have had hundreds if not thousands of hours of usage on a dozen or so platform types in a variety of situations. And many more hours in simulation. Testing doesn't replace good coding practice or formal methods for testing and verifying correctness, but it complements those two aspects and is enhanced by code re-use.
- Reduced development time line. Code re-use means less code is being re-developed which leads to quicker overall system development. More subtly, since code re-use can provide a systems integrator choices and competition on individual modules, development time can be reduced as a consequent. An integrator may simply accept the module developed the quickest, or the competition itself may speed up development. If choices and competition result in more favorable license agreements between the integrator and developer, this in itself may streamline agreements for code maintenance and augmentation in the long term. Finally, as discussed above, if code re-use leads to an element of community-driven bug testing, this will also quicken the pace in the evolution toward a mature and reliable autonomy system.

1.3 The Backseat Driver Design Philosophy [top]
The key idea in the backseat driver paradigm is the separation between vehicle control and vehicle autonomy. The vehicle control system runs on a platform's main vehicle computer and the autonomy system runs on a separate payload computer. This separation is also referred to as the mission controller - vehicle controller interface. A primary benefit is the decoupling of the platform autonomy system from the actual vehicle hardware. The vehicle manufacturer provides a navigation and control system capable of streaming vehicle position and trajectory information from the main vehicle computer, and accepting a stream of autonomy decisions such as heading, speed and depth in return from the payload computer. Exactly how the vehicle navigates and implements control is largely unspecified to the autonomy system running in the payload. The relationship is depicted in .

Figure 1.2: The backseat driver paradigm: The key idea is the separation of vehicle autonomy from vehicle control. The autonomy system provides heading, speed and depth commands to the vehicle control system. The vehicle control system executes the control and passes navigation information, e.g., position, heading and speed, to the autonomy system. The backseat paradigm is agnostic regarding how the autonomy system implemented, but in this figure the MOOS-IvP autonomy architecture is depicted.

The autonomy system on the payload computer consists of a set of distinct processes communicating through a publish-subscribe database called the MOOSDB (Mission Oriented Operating Suite - Database). One such process is an interface to the main vehicle computer, and another key process is the IvP Helm implementing the behavior-based autonomy system. The MOOS community is referred to as the "larger autonomy" system, or the "autonomy system as a whole" since MOOS itself is middleware, and actual autonomous decision making, sensor processing, contact management etc., are implemented as individual MOOS processes.

1.4 The Publish-Subscribe Middleware Design Philosophy and MOOS [top]
MOOS provides a middleware capability based on the publish-subscribe architecture and protocol. Each process communicates with each other through a single database process in a star topology (). The interface of a particular process is described by what messages it produces (publications) and what messages it consumes (subscriptions). Each message is a simple variable-value pair where the values are typically either string or numerical values such as (STATE, "DEPLOY"), or (NAV_SPEED, 2.2). MOOS messages may also contain raw binary data for passing images for example.

Figure 1.3: A MOOS community: is a collection of MOOS applications typically running on a single machine each with a separate process ID. Each process communicates through a single MOOS database process (the MOOSDB) in a publish-subscribe manner. Each process may be executing its inner-loop at a frequency independent from one another and set by the user. Processes may be all run on the same computer or distributed across a network.

The key idea with respect to facilitating code re-use is that applications are largely independent, defined only by their interface, and any application is easily replaceable with an improved version with a matching interface. Since MOOS Core and many common applications are publicly available along with source code under an Open Source GPL license, a user may develop an improved module by altering existing source code and introduce a new version under a different name. With MOOS-IvP 13.2 which includes MOOS V10, the MOOS libraries are distributed under an LGPL license, to allow the development and use of commercial MOOS applications alongside open source applications. The MOOSDB and MOOS applications remain under an GPL license. The term MOOS Core refers to (a) the MOOSDB application, and (b) the MOOS Application superclass that each individual MOOS application inherits from to allow connectivity to a running MOOSDB. Holding the MOOS Core part of the codebase constant between MOOS developers enables the plug-and-play nature of applications.

1.5 The Behavior-Based Control Design Philosophy and IvP Helm [top]
The IvP Helm runs as a single MOOS application and uses a behavior-based architecture for implementing autonomy. Behaviors are distinct software modules that can be described as self-contained mini expert systems dedicated to a particular aspect of overall vehicle autonomy. The helm implementation and each behavior implementation exposes an interface for configuration by the user for a particular set of missions. This configuration often contains particulars such as a certain set of waypoints, search area, vehicle speed, and so on. It also contains a specification of state spaces that determine which behaviors are active under what situations, and how states are transitioned. When multiple behaviors are active and competing for influence of the vehicle, the IvP solver is used to reconcile the behaviors ().

Figure 1.4: The IvP Helm: The helm is a single MOOS application running as the process pHelmIvP. It is a behavior-based architecture where the primary output of a behavior on each iteration is an IvP objective function. The IvP solver performs multi-objective optimization on the set of functions to find the single best vehicle action, which is then published to the MOOSDB. The functions are built and the set is solved on each iteration of the helm - typically one to four times per second. Only a subset of behaviors are active at any given time depending on the vehicle situation, and the state space configuration provided by the user.

The solver performs this coordination by soliciting an objective function, i.e., utility function, from each behavior defined over the vehicle decision space, e.g., possible settings for heading, speed and depth. In the IvP Helm, the objective functions are of a certain type - piecewise linearly defined - and are called IvP Functions. The solver algorithms exploit this construct to find a rapid solution to the optimization problem comprised of the weighted sum of contributing functions.
The concept of a behavior-based architecture is often attributed to \cite{?} . Since then various solutions to the issue of action selection, i.e., the issue of coordinating competing behaviors, have been put forth and implemented in physical systems. The simplest approach is to prioritize behaviors in a way that the highest priority behavior locks out all others as in the Subsumption Architecture in \cite{?} . Another approach is referred to as the potential fields, or vector summation approach (See { \cite{?} }, \cite{?} ) which considers the average action between multiple behaviors to be a reasonable compromise. These action-selection approaches have been used with reasonable effectiveness on a variety of platforms, including indoor robots, e.g., \cite{?} , \cite{?} , \cite{?} , \cite{?} , land vehicles, e.g., \cite{?} , and marine vehicles, e.g., \cite{?} , \cite{?} , \cite{?} , \cite{?} , \cite{?} . However, action-selection via the identification of a single highest priority behavior and via vector summation have well known shortcomings later described in \cite{?} , \cite{?} and \cite{?} in which the authors advocated for the use of multi-objective optimization as a more suitable, although more computationally expensive, method for action selection. The IvP model is a method for implementing multi-objective function based action-selection that is computationally viable in the IvP Helm implementation.

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