41   Colors

Below are the colors used by IvP utilities that use colors. Colors are case insensitive. A color may be specified by the string as shown, or with the '_' character as a separator. Or the color may be specified with its hexadecimal or floating point form. For example the following are equivalent:

 "darkblue", "DarkBlue", "dark_blue", "hex:00,00,8b", and "0,0,0.545". 

In the latter two styles, the '%', '$', or '#' characters may also be used as a delimiter instead of the comma if it helps when embedding the color specification in a larger string that uses its own delimeters. Mixed delimeters are not supported however.

In most cases, the colors invisible, empty, off are aliases indicating that the relevant object, line or vertex etc is not to be rendered at all.

antiquewhite, (fa,eb,d7) aqua (00,ff,ff)
aquamarine (7f,ff,d4) azure (f0,ff,ff)
beige (f5,f5,dc) bisque (ff,e4,c4)
black (00,00,00) blanchedalmond (ff,eb,cd)
blue (00,00,ff) blueviolet (8a,2b,e2)
brown (a5,2a,2a) burlywood (de,b8,87)
cadetblue (5f,9e,a0) chartreuse (7f,ff,00)
chocolate (d2,69,1e) coral (ff,7f,50)
cornsilk (ff,f8,dc) cornflowerblue (64,95,ed)
crimson (de,14,3c) cyan (00,ff,ff)
darkblue (00,00,8b) darkcyan (00,8b,8b)
darkgoldenrod (b8,86,0b) darkgray (a9,a9,a9)
darkgreen (00,64,00) darkkhaki (bd,b7,6b)
darkmagenta (8b,00,8b) darkolivegreen (55,6b,2f)
darkorange (ff,8c,00) darkorchid (99,32,cc)
darkred (8b,00,00) darksalmon (e9,96,7a)
darkseagreen (8f,bc,8f) darkslateblue (48,3d,8b)
darkslategray (2f,4f,4f) darkturquoise (00,ce,d1)
darkviolet (94,00,d3) deeppink (ff,14,93)
deepskyblue (00,bf,ff) dimgray (69,69,69)
dodgerblue (1e,90,ff) firenrick (b2,22,22)
floralwhite (ff,fa,f0) forestgreen (22,8b,22)
fuchsia (ff,00,ff) gainsboro (dc,dc,dc)
ghostwhite (f8,f8,ff) gold (ff,d7,00)
goldenrod (da,a5,20) gray (80,80,80)
green (00,80,00) greenyellow (ad,ff,2f)
honeydew (f0,ff,f0) hotpink (ff,69,b4)
indianred (cd,5c,5c) indigo (4b,00,82)
ivory (ff,ff,f0) khaki (f0,e6,8c)
lavender (e6,e6,fa) lavenderblush (ff,f0,f5)
lawngreen (7c,fc,00) lemonchiffon (ff,fa,cd)
lightblue (ad,d8,e6) lightcoral (f0,80,80)
lightcyan (e0,ff,ff) lightgoldenrod (fa,fa,d2)
lightgray (d3,d3,d3) lightgreen (90,ee,90)
lightpink (ff,b6,c1) lightsalmon (ff,a0,7a)
lightseagreen (20,b2,aa) lightskyblue (87,ce,fa)
lightslategray (77,88,99) lightsteelblue (b0,c4,de)
lightyellow (ff,ff,e0) lime (00,ff,00)
limegreen (32,cd,32) linen (fa,f0,e6)
magenta (ff,00,ff) maroon (80,00,00)
mediumblue (00,00,cd) mediumorchid (ba,55,d3)
mediumseagreen (3c,b3,71) mediumslateblue (7b,68,ee)
mediumspringgreen (00,fa,9a) mediumturquoise (48,d1,cc)
mediumvioletred (c7,15,85) midnightblue (19,19,70)
mintcream (f5,ff,fa) mistyrose (ff,e4,e1)
moccasin (ff,e4,b5) navajowhite (ff,de,ad)
navy (00,00,80) oldlace (fd,f5,e6)
olive (80,80,00) olivedrab (6b,8e,23)
orange (ff,a5,00) orangered (ff,45,00)
orchid (da,70,d6) palegreen (98,fb,98)
paleturquoise (af,ee,ee) palevioletred (db,70,93)
papayawhip (ff,ef,d5) peachpuff (ff,da,b9)
pelegoldenrod (ee,e8,aa) peru (cd,85,3f)
pink (ff,c0,cb) plum (dd,a0,dd)
powderblue (b0,e0,e6) purple (80,00,80)
red (ff,00,00) rosybrown (bc,8f,8f)
royalblue (41,69,e1) saddlebrowm (8b,45,13)
salmon (fa,80,72) sandybrown (f4,a4,60)
seagreen (2e,8b,57) seashell (ff,f5,ee)
sienna (a0,52,2d) silver (c0,c0,c0)
skyblue (87,ce,eb) slateblue (6a,5a,cd)
slategray (70,80,90) snow (ff,fa,fa)
springgreen (00,ff,7f) steelblue (46,82,b4)
tan (d2,b4,8c) teal (00,80,80)
thistle (d8,bf,d8) tomatao (ff,63,47)
turquoise (40,e0,d0) violet (ee,82,ee)
wheat (f5,de,b3) white (ff,ff,ff)
whitesmoke (f5,f5,f5) yellow (ff,ff,00)
yellowgreen (9a,cd,32)  

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