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Talk-11: Buying and MOOSifying two USVs in 2008/2009: Competitive purchases of USVs – MOOS not included

Thomas J. Pastore, Stefano Fioravanti, Arjan Vermeij, NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC), Italy

The harbour protection programme of work at NURC has expanded since 2008 to include the use of unmanned surface vehicles. In an effort to maximise the benefit of a growing body of expertise at NURC and partner organizations such as MIT/WHOI and NUWC‐Newport, the decision was made to do as much as possible with MOOS‐IvP software for autonomy. Thus, NURC has undertaken two international competitive bidding actions in the past two years for unmanned surface vehicles (including front‐seat control ) to which MOOS‐IvP could be added as a backseat controller. Ultimately, the acquisition of both vehicles was considered successful, and both were proven capable of executing the desired missions and behaviours. Both vendors opted for a serial NMEA interface for input and output communications to and from their frontseat controller. The similarity of the two vessels, however, ends there. The physical form of the vessels is strikingly different, one being a RHIB and the other a lightweight catamaran. The design and implementation of the on‐board controllers, ground control stations, communication links, and onboard organic sensors show further differences. Comparisons of the two approaches are made in general terms. Additional sensors were added to each vessel; experiences regarding those are briefly recounted. Specific issues related to porting MOOS‐IvP to a TS‐7800 ARM will be touched upon as relevant to one vessel. A discussion of the handover of control is relevant to both vessels. In summary, the presentation provides an affirmation of the portability and adaptability of the MOOS‐IvP software suite, and an indication of how commercial vendors of unmanned systems respond when such an interface is requested.

Related Material:


  • Autonomy
  • Multi-Vehicle Autonomy
  • MOOS-IvP
  • USVs
  • Navy Labs