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Talk-10: pAcommsHandler: Acoustic networking in MOOS with the WHOI Micro-Modem

Toby Schneider, MIT (LAMSS)

Configurable and reliable communications between underwater nodes and the surface operator are essential for developing and testing autonomous systems in MOOS. Furthermore, underwater collaboration between multiple underwater vehicles is a rapidly growing area of research which critically depends on intervehicle communications.

Acoustics provide the most practical solution for relatively long-range underwater communications. However, the physical realities of the acoustic channel means that the data throughput is much lower and the latencies much higher in an acoustic channel than more conventional terrestial networks.

Such an environment requires careful consideration at all levels of the communications system. The WHOI Micro-Modem provides a relatively mature hardware layer, upon which the MOOS module pAcommsHandler builds. pAcommsHandler was developed to provide a preliminary and functionally complete acoustic networking software suite. In this talk I will discuss the practical issues behind acoustic networking in the field, the way these issues are addressed in pAcommsHandler, and some thoughts for future additions and changes. Those who are interested in learning the details of how to use pAcommsHandler can attend the tutorial I am giving entitled "Acoustic Networking in MOOS using pAcommsHandler".

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  • Acoustic Communications
  • UUVs
  • Academia