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Talk-12: Multi-vehicle SCM/RID/Neutralize Mission Management

Damion D. Dunlap, James R. Perkins, Signe Redfield, NSWC-PCD

Multi-vehicle cooperation for SCM/RID/Neutralize missions enables more efficient execution than standard operating procedures. We have developed a decentralized system that facilitates effective task allocation between multiple vehicles performing each of the defined tasks. The MOOS mission management module operating on each vehicle is responsible for maintaining a picture of the current mission state through acoustic communication as well as dynamically dividing, replanning, and reallocating tasks based on state and target information updates received both internally and from other vehicles. We have recently developed an arbitration and simulation framework that allows each vehicle to simulate the possible task allocations and choose the best plan. The mission manager module enables this arbitration mechanism by tracking the current mission information and then executing the best plan decided upon by all involved vehicles.


  • Autonomy
  • Multi-Vehicle Autonomy
  • MOOS-IvP
  • MCM
  • UUVs
  • Govt Labs