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Talk-13: UUV Simulation and Bench Testing Procedures

James R. Perkins, Aamir Qaiyumi, Jean-Francois Kamath, Signe Redfield, NSWC-PCD

Proper development, simulation, bench testing, and sea testing procedures are necessary for successful in-water vehicle tests. Through extensive experimentation we have created a robust process to facilitate development and testing of MOOS payload autonomy modules for the REMUS 100 and ASDP platforms. These methods facilitate rapid software engineering and multi-level simulation, as well as the generation of development history and documentation. Crafted through extensive sea testing utilizing multiple open-source tools including Drupal and Git, these methods have proven to be invaluable in our research and have significantly shortened our development and debugging times, reducing time, cost and complexity without sacrificing creativity.


  • Simulation
  • Mission Planning
  • UUVs
  • USVs
  • Govt Labs