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Talk-29: MOOS-IvP Release 19.8 - What is New, and Plans for Development

Michael Benjamin, MIT

In this talk we discuss Release 19.8 of MOOS-IvP. The primary focus will be on improvements to the helm and behaviors, but also new applications in this release.

A substantial portion of development effort over the last year has been dedicated to the introduction of automated autonomy testing. The goal of this effort is to establish an initial set of test missions that may be launched automatically to both (a) check for correctness against documented application and behavior properties, and (b) measure the effectiveness of missions with known performance measures that go beyond simply pass/fail. Automated testing will also address long-duration mission performance in terms of memory management. The goal of this effort is to design the testing architecture such that MOOS-IvP users may add their own tests in a manner that does not compromise privacy.

A final topic to be discussed is the introduction of Manifests to the MOOS-IvP user community. The goal of public manifests is to increase awareness between MOOS-IvP users of ongoing or previous development efforts. A manifest is a short description of a software module and a point of contact for furhter information. The aim is to be (a) descriptive enough to allow readers to determine initial interest, and perhaps follow up with the POC and (b) short enough to ensure any strategic information not wanted in the public domain.