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Talk-26: Unmanned Maritime Systems: Market Trends and Evolving Requirements

Justin Manley

This presentation provides an industry perspective on developments in unmanned maritime systems (UMS). The intention is to help the UMS engineering community understand the market dynamics shaping technology requirements. Defense, industry and science sector developments will be reviewed with a focus on both acquisition programs and R&D opportunities. Industry dynamics including new startups and company acquisitions will be assessed to identify innovations and technologies attracting investment. The presentation will be primarily a case study based using specific developments of the past 12 to 18 months as informative examples.

Bio: Justin Manley is an innovative technologist and executive with experience in startup, public corporation, academic, and public sectors. Mr. Manley has been working with marine technology and robotics since 1990 and is a recognized leader in unmanned systems development and operations. After professional roles at MIT, supporting NOAA and in the private sector Mr. Manley founded Just Innovation Inc. in mid-2015. He supports a variety of clients with a focus on unmanned and undersea systems.

Mr. Manley is extensively involved in the marine technology profession through a variety of leadership roles. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Served as Vice President of Government and Public Affairs for the Marine Technology Society (MTS), is a Fellow of the Institute for Marine Engineering Science and Technology (IMAREST) and a founding member of Marine Education for Inspiration and Innovation (MATEII). He is also dedicated to innovation, serving as an advisor to startup companies and a judge for the Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health and ANA AVATAR XPRIZE. He holds two patents in unmanned systems oversight and security.