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Talk-01: Massively Parallel Autonomy Simulations Using MOOS-IvP

Speaker: David Battle, David Johnson, Mission Systems Pty Ltd.

Rob Fitch, University of Technology Sydney.

The future of autonomous systems will probably involve multi-modality sensing platforms working cooperatively and across domains to achieve the most effective outcomes and economies of scale. In this talk, we report on recent efforts to leverage the multi-vehicle autonomy and simulation capabilities of MOOS-IvP to create complex virtual experiments in cooperative sensing and control.

As part of a collaboration with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and the Australian Defence Science and Technology Group, Mission Systems has developed a real-time, high-fidelity lidar simulation framework scalable to large numbers of air vehicles, with full PX4 Software-In-The-Loop (SITL) integration. Each simulation supports a ground station and team of independently autonomous vehicles running MOOS-IvP software and a PX4 controller instance.

The talk will conclude with a preview of some other projects currently underway, which also leverage MOOS-IvP in multi-platform simulation, including real-time acoustic communications simulations between a team of underwater gliders, and finally, the prospect of cross-domain cooperative missions between maritime and air platforms such as the WAM-V and a tilt-rotor UAV.


  • Simulation
  • Gliders
  • UUVs
  • UAVs
  • USVs
  • Cross Domain
  • AComms
  • WAM-V