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Talk-08: Developing an autonomous low cost boat using MOOS-IvP

David Issa Mattos, Douglas S. dos Santos, Cairo L. Nascimento Jr., Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronutica, Brazil

The development of autonomous vehicles provides the opportunity to create new combinations of hardware components and their software interfaces with an autonomous software library. The platform present in this work is a catamaran boat driven by two direct current motors as the propulsion system. It is embedded with an Arduino, a low cost IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), a GPS receiver and a wireless serial communication system. The boat communicates with the ground control station (GCS) sending telemetry data and receiving navigation commands for the propulsion motors. The GCS uses the MOOS-IvP software to implement the navigation decision and GPS/IMU fusion algorithms. A boat model is presented and used in a simulation environment module. Results from simulation and real-world testing will be presented and discussed.


  • ASVs
  • Build/Integration
  • Simulation/Visualization