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Talk-05: MOOS-IvP in an Enterprise Linux Environment

Scott R. Sideleau, Christopher W. Gagner, NUWC-DIVNPT

As the maritime robotics community's platforms of interest mature, the churn associated with the use of "bleeding edge" Linux distributions – often popular in academia – becomes unpalatable; often such choices lead to adding significant cost and schedule risk to projects seeking to minimize surprises during integration. In addition, this model provides no mechanism to facilitate backwards compatibility between new and old components. The Department of Defense (DoD) and particularly the Department of the Navy (DoN) have chosen to standardize on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and its close variants, where feasible. This works reports on applied research at NUWC Newport that has fielded development environments based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to users and compatible Community Enterprise Operating System (CentOS) 6 environments to maritime robotic platforms. We present our lessons learned from making the switch, discuss the methodology for correctly backporting required packages to get MOOS-IvP and Gobysoft applications up-and-running correctly, and future work focused on increasing backwards compatibility amongst our systems.


  • Build/Integration