Application: uFldObstacleSim

Brief Synopsis:

Simulation of obstacle (re)generation and lidar sensing of obstacles.


  • Michael Benjamin






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The uFldObstacleSim app will simulate the posting of obstacles loaded from a text file, to be shared to all vehicles in the uField environment. The obstacle simulator may also be configured to periodically randomly re-generate the obstacle locations and sizes. The random generation considers an region of containment, minimum inter-obstacle range, min and max size of obstacles. It may also be configured to only regenerated obstacles with no vehicles are within the obstacle region. The simulation generates information in one of two modes, (1) Obstacle polygons are simply published and shared to all vehicles, or (2) simulated sensor data, similar to Lidar points on the obstacle, are published and shared to the vehicles. Downstream apps are then left with the job of inferring the obstacle from the sensor data.

Lines of Code:

  • 1,386 (with libraries: 42,878)

Files of Code:

  • 9 (with libraries: 362)

Work Years:

  • 0.28 (with libraries: 9.72)