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Talk-17: New Features and Applications in MOOS-IvP 13.5 and Near Term Development Plans

Michael Benjamin, Laboratory for Autonomous Marine Sensing Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

This talk will discuss some of the new features and capabilities found in the latest releases since the previous MOOS-DAWG gathering. This includes several new MOOS applications comprising a suite call the uField Toolbox, and a feature called AppCasting used in nearly all MOOS-IvP distributed MOOS applications. The two primary motivations for these developments have been (a) support for multi-vehicle operations in both simulation and in the field, (b) support for students to reduce the marine autonomy learning curve in a new MIT course on marine autonomy, and (c) support for open marine autonomy competitions. These topics will be discussed along with other significant new features of the helm such as the stand-by helm capability. Plans for near-term research and development over the coming year will also be discussed.


  • MOOS-IvP
  • Vehicle Safety
  • AUVs
  • ASVs