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Talk-13: Next Generation Bluefin-9: A COTS AUV Enabling On-going and Advanced Platform Research

Cheryl Mierzwa, Mikell Taylor, Bluefin Robotics

Recent collaborations with research laboratories have uncovered a demand for flexible, upgradable, and inexpensive AUV systems to support advances in sensor development and autonomy. To support this emerging need, Bluefin Robotics is developing vehicles specifically designed to allow rapid integration with systems such as MOOS-IvP.

The new Bluefin-9, the next generation of the proven Bluefin-9 platform offers a completely modular, free-flooded front payload section, while preserving a two-man-portable package for easy dockside deployment. The new modular payload architecture, combined with Bluefin’s published electrical and software Standard Payload Interface, enables rapid integration of sensors by users without the need to involve Bluefin engineers. In addition, with an innovative design allowing a “hackable” interface, the new Bluefin-9 can easily accommodate MOOS-IvP, Backseat Driver, and other third-party interfaces to the vehicle’s autonomy. The next generation Bluefin-9 system is rated to 300 meters and is well suited for operations requiring high navigation accuracy and up to 10 hours endurance.

This presentation will highlight the design changes and upgrades made to the new Bluefin-9, outline the vehicle, benefits to autonomy and payload developers, and explain how MIT and others have interfaced with Bluefin systems via Bluefin’s published interfaces.


  • Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)
  • Bluefin Robotics
  • Payload Autonomy Interface
  • MOOS-IvP