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Talk-12: MOOS-IvP Based Autonomous Surface Vehicle for Acoustic Communications Experimentation

Josh Leighton, Mei Yi Cheung, Eric Gilbertson, Brooks Reed, Franz Hover, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

We present an autonomous surface vehicle system designed and built specifically for experimentation using acoustic modems in shallow water environments. Compared with traditional AUVs often used for experimentation in this field, our platform provides significant operational advantages including easy deployment, long range RF communications and simplified navigation. Based on a small whitewater kayak hull, the vehicle has a unique combination of power, size, and robustness that is well suited to towing acoustic transponders and operating over long distances. MOOS and MOOS-IvP running on an embedded linux computer provide a flexible control system with which different sensor payloads can be equipped and a wide variety of experiments can be performed. In addition to collecting a large quantity of acoustic modem performance data with the WHOI Micro-Modem, this system has enabled us to perform more complex experiments, two of which are discussed in more detail.


  • Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs)
  • Acoustic Communications
  • Goby
  • WHOI Micro-Modem
  • MOOS-IvP