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Talk-36: MOOS on a Low Cost Easily Reconfigurable Surface Craft (SCOUT) Platform: A Brief Overview of Mission Profiles, Field Trials and Implementations.

Joseph Curcio, Robotic Marine Systems

Using a low cost autonomous surface craft (SCOUT – Surface Craft for Oceanographic and Undersea Testing) originally designed and built as a surrogate for the more expensive underwater AUV, a variety of at-sea experiments and field exercises have been performed over the past several years. These in-water tests have yielded substantial advances in autonomy based science applications and have had a direct impact on the advancement of the underlying autonomy suite. Encompassing a broad set of objectives including multi-vehicle collision avoidance optimization, complex mine detection behaviors, anti-submarine warfare experiments and underwater acoustic based navigation techniques, the SCOUT vehicle has been instrumental in delivering valuable science data for several years. The combination of a rapidly reconfigurable platform coupled with the MOOS-IvP autonomy suite allows scientists and engineers to focus on higher level mission and science objectives without the distraction often associated with proprietary software and rigidly configured hardware systems. This brief summary of past experiments and field exercises performed using the SCOUT vehicle and the MOOS-IvP autonomy software will aim to provide a glimpse into the potential benefits available to scientists and engineers and demonstrate the utility of maintaining flexibility in the hardware platform and software design.


  • Autonomy
  • MOOS-IvP
  • USVs
  • MCM
  • ASW
  • Industry