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Talk-37: MOOS on Low-Power Consumption CPUs

Frank Agius, iRobot Maritime Systems, Durham NC

The research group at iRobot Maritime Systems (formerly known as Nekton Research LLC) develops AUV/UUV platforms that perform a variety of missions for maritime researchers, oceanographers and military planners. A common requirement for these platforms is a central processing unit with a small form factor and low power consumption. As part of a strategy to modularize the hardware platform across projects, in late 2007 the Gumstix family of processors was chosen as the core CPU for Maritime Systems vehicles. Around the same time, the MOOS architecture was evaluated and eventually selected as the base software to run on these processors. This paper will outline the process of porting MOOS to the Gumstix processor boards and will present a CPU utilization comparison between MOOS running on a Gumstix Verdex board (Marvel PXA270) and a Gumstix Overo board (TI OMAP 3503).

Related Material:


  • MOOS On Low-Powered CPUs
  • UUVs
  • Industry