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Talk-23: Reliable Radar Localization for Marine Autonomy

Aamir Aziz , Principal Product Engineer - Radar Localization , Oxbotica

Traditionally, GNSS has been used as the primary localization solution for autonomous vehicles. However, its limitations and unreliability in certain conditions prevent operators from taking the next steps in safety and productivity. 

Oxbotica's world-leading radar localization system uses Navtech's high-resolution, 360 degree, radar technology to solve these challenges for reliable universal autonomy. Radar is trusted to perform due to its unrivaled availability and reliable operation in the harshest conditions, overcoming the limitations of other technologies such as lidar and cameras. This presentation will introduce Terran360, the world’s first all-weather radar localization solution for industrial autonomous vehicles including its deployment for marine navigation and operation (without GPS) of a surface vessel, and readily integrated with MOOS.

Aamir Aziz <>

Note: This talk will be given virtually.

  • Sensing
  • Navigation
  • USVs