Building the code:

It is best to see the README file in the top level directories. The typical build however goes as follows:

  $ cd moos-ivp
  $ ./
  $ ./

Note there are also README files specific to the Mac OS X, Linux and Windows platforms. If you experience problems with the initial build of the software, we are interested in hearing about it to help keep our build guidance up to date. Please send an email to "issues at".

Running the code:

Try running the simplest mission distributed with the tree:

   $ cd moos-ivp/ivp/missions/s1_alpha
   $ pAntler alpha.moos

Running this example mission and example screen outputs are described in:

An Overview of MOOS-IvP and a Users Guide to the IvP Helm - Release 13.5 (May 10th, 2013)