Application: pAcommsSim

Brief Synopsis:

a GPU-accelerated multi-vehicle acomms simulator.


  • David Battle



  • NVIDIA Optix 5.1.1, NVIDIA CUB 1.8.0, Arrayfire 3.6.2, CUDA 10.2, Morse, JSON for modern C++.


  • TBD


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pAcommsSim is a GPU-accelerated multi-vehicle acoustic communications simulator intended for shallow water, iso-velocity waveguides and general 3D bathymetry. The simulator uses Gaussian beams and straight-ray propagation to compute 3D range-dependent CW transmission losses and time-domain responses between swarms of underwater nodes. The simulator publishes time-domain responses and normalised channel impulse responses via binary and JSON message formats respectively with a configurable number of arrivals. pAcommsSim is designed to work with the MORSE robotics simulator in conjunction with Mission Systems customisations and an NVIDIA GPU. Future enhancements will include a configurable dynamic sea surface, per-ray Doppler shift for mobile nodes, and arbitrary 3-D sound speed profiles using piecewise-constant approximations.