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Talk-02: ROS-MOOS Interfacing Using a NMEA-Format Protocol

Mike Purvis, Clearpath Robotics

Because of the unique design of MOOS and the broad reach of ROS, improving interoperability between ROS and MOOS stands to benefit both communities. The MIT LAMSS and Clearpath have collaborated on a socket-based NMEA-format interface which allows MOOS software to communicate with a ROS system. This hardware agnostic interface was originally developed to allow MIT to communicate with the ROS-based control software on the Clearpath Robotics Kingfisher.

We will provide an introduction of the previous efforts at interoperability and detail the various use cases our method addresses. A technical introduction into our architecture and protocol will be presented. Finally, we will summarize the results of our joint integration efforts with the MIT LAMSS team and seek feedback from the community on possible next steps.


  • Payload Autonomy Interface
  • Clearpath Robotics, Kingfisher ASV
  • ROS