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Talk-34: Cooperative AUV Naviation using MOOS: MLBL

Maurice Fallon, John J. Leonard, MIT

AUV navigation typically relies upon expensive high quality onboard sensors - such as a Doppler Velocity Logger or a Fibre Optic Gyro - to achieve sub 1% drift. Nonetheless such drift will eventually accumulate and force a mission abort or GPS surface. The deloyment of LBL beacons (the usual solution) is costly and geographically limited. We instead have developed a series of MOOS modules which can overcome this issue by sharing the position estimates of any (mobile) surface sensor (USV, Gateway Buoy or Deckbox Modem) with any number of AUVs, which allows for geo-referenced and error bounded AUV navigation. We call this approach Moving Long Baseline (MLBL). At the core of the method is the ability of the WHOI micromodems to range using time-of-flight. We also utilize pAcommsHandler to marshal and encode the required data before the AUV carries out online a full mission path trajectory optimisation using an efficient nonlinear least squares optimisation algorithm (iSAM). This procedure also has the ability to easily incorporate relative measurements made by a sonar sensor of observed underwater objects - for Feature Based Navigation. Other issues such as mission planning of the surface vehicle to improve observability will also be discussed.

Related Material:


  • Autonomy
  • Navigation
  • MLBL
  • UUVs
  • MOOS-IvP
  • Acoustic Communications
  • Academia