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Talk-29: Integration and Testing of a Novel Reacquire/Identify Pattern Generation Algorithm

Matthew J. Bays, Jean-François Kamath and Signe A. Redfield, NSWC-PCD

We address the integration and field testing of a novel reacquire/identify(RID) pattern generation algorithm. This algorithm, known as Probabilistic Reacquire/ID Optimal Path Selection (PROPS), is designed to plan a path for a sidescan sonar equipped underwater vehicle in order to produce multiple views of a cluster of discrete targets. The desired pattern minimizes the total number of turns and time required, while attaining appropriate coverage of the targets. Initial tests of the pattern generation algorithm suggest that it requires between 35% and 95% of the time required by the standard “star” RID pattern. Following a brief description of the algorithm itself, we present the integration of the algorithm, both as a stand-alone MOOS module and as a library using a standard RID pattern generator created from the MOOS-IvP Helm autonomy toolkit. Simulation and field test results of the algorithm on a REMUS 100 autonomous underwater vehicle are included.

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  • MOOS-IvP
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  • UUVs
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